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Decorative Initial letter “I” With sunbathing lady and birds
Initial letter T with sundial and scythe
Mediaeval Torture Instruments
Tailpiece ornament: flower
Oval or Elliptical Victorian Frame
Ornate Rectangular Frame
Dedication page With Cartouche
Title Page
Cartouche with Sculpture, Art and Architecture
Horses eating a scanty meal
Sixteenth-century noble couple
892.—Oval Frame With Leafy Branches
890. – Dog.
Title Page, South by South East
Fig. 99 No. 8.—Anglo-Saxon Initial letter N
135.—Roman Image of Victory.
Title Page from My Boy Lfe
Front Cover, My Boy Life
Rococo headpiece
John Carroll D..D., Portrait and Signature
Tailpiece ornament - Harp with oak leaves and mistletoe
Ladies’ Costume, Time of Edward I
Pied Léger
Elaborate decorative initial letter “h” with cherub
Persian-influenced Chapter Head Decoration
Cherub in Persian-Style Frame
29.—Portchester Castle, in Hampshire.
Medieval Decorative Initial Capital “D”
Saint with book
Vintage Medieval Daisy Sketch
Fourteenth-Century illuminated D with saint
Blue vine border from 15th century manuscript
Medieval-style border with dog chasing rabbit
Initial letter D, floriated
Head Downwards
Jenny Lind - The Swedish Nightingale
Ornate Victorian border or frame
Jenny Lind
Barn Owl
Newstead Abbey
Costumes, A.D. 1380.
Full-page simple border of twigs
Rustic full-page border of twigs in four sections
Costume. A.D. 1302 – 1413.
Vintage border of brambles and flowers
King John Sealing Magna Charta
Magna Carta
2. The Seal of Agares
6. The Seal of Valefor.
1. The Seal of Baal
clipart: initial letter L from late 15th century printed book
Vintage border with peacock-feather style flowers, in blue
Vintage border with peacock-feather styilized flowers
Sheepkeeper - Sheep Shopkeeper
Alice and the Sheep in a Rowing Boat
Tweedledee and Tweedledum Prepare for Battle
Matthew Parker, Archbishop of Canterbury
Gresham’s Royal Exhange
Methought what pain it was to drown
119.—Coin of Claudius, representing his British triumph.  From the British Museum.
Gospel of John
Gospel of Luke
Gospel of Mark
Gospel of Matthew
Behold: Jesus taken down from the cross
Blow, Blow, thou winter wind
The Bishop of St. Praxed’s Orders his Tomb.
Shepherd Boy
Zpíval Slavik (A Nightingale Sang)
Padalo listí (fallen leaves)
Roundel with stylized blue flowers
Zvetly Fialky (Violets were blooming)
Vertical Steam Engine—For Manufacturing Purposes.
Roundel with roses and thorns
François-Victor Hugo
Gavroche (Les Misérables)
Mournful / Contemplative Full-Page Border With Statues
Plate 23.—Llanthony Abbey.
Tailpiece with Fisherman
Chapter head with musical instruments
Initial Letter T With Angels and Devil
245 [detail].—Rectangular ornate sketched frame or border
245 [detail].—Hand-drawn Victorian/rococo frame
245.—Saxon Emblems of the Month of May.
Swash letter N with Three Kings and Mary and Jesus
Now When Jesus Was Born in Bethlehem
Engraving: Jesus King of the Jews
Bishop of Gloucester and Bristol
Decorative initial letter O with cherubs cooking soup (coloured version)
Decorative initial letter T with cherubs hanging a wolf
Dr. Martin Luther.
132.—Wall of Severus, near Housestead, Northumberland.
Decorative initial “A” with girl and roses
Irregular vintage border from 1712
From the Biblia Pauperum. Block Book. 15th Century.
142.—Ancient Arch on Road leading into Rome.
Vignetted Letter W With Bird in forest
The City of London Seen from the National Liberal Club
Love Birds Kissing
Theban Alphabet of Petter Apponus
Khaya (Kaja) Castle
Castles 8: Khaya, Starhemberg, Grundriss von Lichtenfels
Calligraphic flourish
156.—Uncial Gothic Capitals. 14th Century.
Architecture fig. 1a, Column from Lindisfarne
Architecture (full page print)
Printer’s ornament with birds
The Sanctuary, National War Shrine, Edinburgh
Washington Brass, Sulgrave Church
1054.—Border with Mary, Jesus and Joseph
Cloisters in Santa Scholastica, Subiaco
Gad’s Hill Place, near Rochester (Kent, UK)
Decorative initial letter “J” from 11th century.
clipart: initial letter S from beginning of the 16th Century
1048.—Border with Evangelists
Antique Meat Jack
Chapter tailpiece, winged angel holding cross
Pestle and Mortar in Bronze
383.—Rock of Bamborough with Castle.
Happy bashful fiery sun face drawing
Money Chest: The Treasurey (Coloured version)
Money Chest: The Treasury
Festoon or Garland of Roses
Free clip-art: Victorian border of twigs and leaves (landscape version)
Free clip-art: Victorian border of twigs and leaves (simplified version)
Free clip-art: Victorian border of twigs and leaves (finer version)
Cotton Manufacture Fig. 1.—Saw Gin.
Fig. 99 No. 7.—Ornate border, 9th century, Gallo-Frankish School.
Border, 9th century, Gallo-Frankish School
Drawing: book on elegant table near Curtans
clipart: initial letter M from late 15th century printed book
17.—14th Century Illminated MS., Simplified
17.—14th Century Illuminated MS.
Farmer and his Wife, Ybbstal Valley
Initial letter T with upturned book and horse-rider on quill pen
Letter T with Book
Photograph of Sir Wilfred Laurier
Oval orange border with ivy leaves
Border of twigs (US Letter Sized Version)
62.—Chepstow from the bridge.
Chepstow Castle, 4:3 cropped version
Plate XCIX.—Hydrostatics.—Fig. 1. A quadruple pump-mill for raising water.
1050.—Border with Bishops
Printer’s Mark: Gryphon
Front Cover, Die Kirchliche Baukunst des Abendlandes
590.—Stone Chair in the Chapter House, Durham.
Lines and Leaves Page Border
Anglo-Saxon decorative initial B in the Celtic knotwork style
Inhabited Initial letter B, Anglo-Saxon
Byzantine Saint seated, with book
Celtic knotwork dragon ornament/initial
Rome: Pantheon
Plate 1: Book I, Chapter 2
Watching, Waving Man
Burning the scrolls
Stylized Black Dragon
Red Dragon on Blue Background
62x.—Initial capital letter “X” from Dance of Death Alphabet.
2056.—Pots to Mend.
2055.—Fair Lemons and Oranges.
Out of Sorts - Pieces of Type
The Archdruid
1052.—Border With Angels
885.—Tightrope artist with table and candles and dwarf.
The Proposal
Plate 37.—Thirteenth Century No. 1: Alphabet overview
Floriated initial capital letter “T”
King’s College Chapel, Cambridge.
735.—St. Peter’s, Northampton.
Frontispiece: Restormel Castle Steam Locomotive, GWR
Study by Rubens
Forest of Romance
Candle Saving
The Balloon
Book cover of The Mother Goose, with tape repair
Front Cover
A Dream: Tertiary man (Ultra HD TV version)
Frontispiece: A Dream: Tertiary Man.
Foliated chapterhead with dragons
Costumes, 1480
The Dukes of Gloucester and Clarence. (Royal MSS.)
Cupid and rose briar
Spring hedge-border corner image with love-birds
Crumbling elegance: floriated tailpiece with criblé background
Calligraphic letter “Y” in 15th century gothic style
Calligraphic letter “H” in 15th century gothic style
Wentworth Woodhouse.
Letter D with angel
Calligraphic letter “X” in 15th century gothic style
Initial letter Q: monk with pick-axe
Atalanta Scholarship and Reading Union
The Wassail Bowl
Victorian Carol Singers
Chi-rho symbol (Px) in red, black ad gold from front cover.
Border of Peace from Front Cover.
Vintage shabby-chic ornate full-page border
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Places Shown

Abergavenny; Monmouthshire; Wales

Ankerwick; Buckinghamshire; England

Bamburgh; Northumberland; England

Cambridge; Cambridgeshire; England

Chepstow; Monmouthshire; Wales

DurhamDurham; England

Edinburgh; Lothian; Scotland


Gads Hill Place; Higham-by-Rochester; Kent; England

Housesteads Roman Fort; Hadrian’s Wall; Bardon Mill; Northumberland; England

Jerusalem; Palestine

Kaja; Weinviertel; Lower Austria; Austria

London; England

LondonLondon; England

Lower Austria; Austria

Newstead; Nottinghamshire; England

Northampton; Northamptonshire; England

Paris; Ile-de-France; France

Portchester; Hampshire; England

Rome; Italy

Rotherham; Yorkshire; England

Subiaco; San Lorenzo; Rome; Italy

Sulgrave; Oxfordshire; England

Ybbstal; Austria