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Items in Oxfordshire (results page 1)

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Sulgrave Manor
Frontispiece: Magdalen Tower.
Front Cover, Oxford Pictured by Haslehust, described by How
Sheldonian Theatre from Title Page
Frontispiece: Sulgrave Manor
View of Oxford
II.—Brasenose College Quadrangle and St. Mary’s Spire
III.—View in Radcliffe Square
Folly Bridge
Oxford Castle
IV.—Sheldonian Theatre, etc., Broad Street
Bocardo, destroyed in 1771.
Bocardo, North Side
Isis and Oxford Canal
VII.—Merton College: The Library Interior
396.—Tower of Oxford Castle
397.—Oxford Castle
Broughton Castle
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Places Shown

Brasenose College; Oxford; Oxfordshire; England

Broughton; Banbury; Oxfordshire; England

Cumnor; Oxfordshire; England

Godstowe; Oxfordshire; England

Magdalen College; Oxford; Oxfordshire; England

Merton College; Oxford; Oxfordshire; England

Oxford; Oxfordshire; England

Sulgrave; Oxfordshire; England