Search Pictures From Old Books

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abbeys advertisements alchemy alice alphabets ancient egypt ancient greek remains angels animals arches architecture armour art arts and craft movement astrology astronomy backgrounds bare feet battlements battles beaches beards bible pictures bibles biblical scenes birds blackletter blue boats book covers bookplates books borders bowls boys bridges buildings calendars calligraphic initials calligraphy candles cards carriages cartici cartoons cartouches carts carving castles cathedrals cats cattle ceilings ceramic art chains chairs chapterheads cherubs chess children chimneys christianity christmas churches cities cityscapes clip art clipart clouds coins colleges colour columns constructed initials costumes cottages creeper criblé crosses crowns dancing death decoration decorative elements deer demons diagrams dickens dogs doors dragons drawings dresses drolleries druids easter electrics engines entrances exteriors faces faience fairies fantasy fish fleurs de lys floriated borders floriated initials flowers foliated borders foliated initials fonts food forests fraktur frames front covers full-page borders furniture games gardens gates girls gold gothic gothic architecture graves gravestones graveyards green greyscale hands handwriting harvest hats helmets heraldry hills historiated initials horses houses humour hunting illustrations for children inhabited initials initials interiors ivy kings knights leaves lettera letterb letterc letterd lettere letterf letterg letterh letteri lettering letterj letterk letterl letterm lettern lettero letterp letterq letterr letters lettert letteru letterv lions love machinery magic magic circles manors maps megaliths men moats monks months monuments mountains music musical instruments mythical creatures mythological creatures mythology norman architecture nudity occult ornaments page images paintings parks people pictures of books pillars planets plans plants poems poetry portraits poverty printing proverbs punishments railways reading red religion rivers roads robes rocks roman remains romance roofs roses royalty ruins rustic borders saints saxon england scholars sculpture seeds sheep shields ships siege engines skeletons sketches skulls slavery slaves snow soldiers spears spires spirit spooky sports spring stairs stately homes statuary statues steam engines steps stone circles storms street scenes streets summer sun swords symbols tailpieces tarot temples tiles title pages tombs torture towers towns transport trees twigs typography unspecified victoriana views vignetted initials villages vines wallpaper walls water waves weapons weeds wheels wild flowers windows wings winter women wreaths writing xmas yellow zodiac

What you might find and how to find it

There are 4205 images listed here; most of them in more than one size. The images are mostly scanned from old books, ranging in date from the 1500s up to the 1920s and early 1930s. Most of them are out of copyright, or public domain.

Some common searches:

Castles to find old pictures of castles;

Manors to find pictures of manor houses;

gravestones to find pictures of graveyards or other burial sites;

Here are all the different sorts of things you can search for right now:

Restrict the search to images from a single book. Knight's Old England has the most pictures if you want to try this.
Almost all the images have one or more keywords associated with them. This is the best way to search.
Find images showing a particular place, or showing places in a particular area or country. This is probably most useful when combined with keyword.
Image size
This is for people looking for screen backgrounds (desktop images or wallpaper as Microsoft calls it). You can combine it with the wallpaper keyword to get only images that are the same size as common screens. If you want high resolution images e.g. for commercial use, please contact me directly.

Changing the way results are shown

Just the Pix
The normal search mode (Pics and Details) shows thumbnails, descriptions and keywords for each image. If you choose Just the Pix you get images packed closely on the page.
Image Links

In the results you may see some letters or symbols:

The plus sign (+) will show all images from the same source (the same printed book). The S does the same thing, but using this search interface. The K finds other images with the same keywords. The L looks for other images with the same location. The N looks for images depicting nearby places (e.g. in the same county or region).

Sort order
You can say which result comes first: sorting by source will put all the pictures from a given book together. Newest First will start with the images that were added to this Web site most recently. Most popular will use the number of times each image has been shown in the past few days.
Results per page
You can increase this from 12 to 200 to see more thumbnails on each page of results. The size of your screen and the speed of your network connection will make a difference here!

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