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There are 4239 images listed here; most of them in more than one size. The images are mostly scanned from old books, ranging in date from the 1500s up to the 1920s and early 1930s. Most of them are out of copyright, or public domain.
Some common searches:
Castles to find old pictures of castles;
Manors to find pictures of manor houses;
gravestones to find pictures of graveyards or other burial sites;
Here are all the different sorts of things you can search for right now:
In the results you may see some letters or symbols:
The plus sign (+) will show all images from the same source (the same printed book). The S does the same thing, but using this search interface. The K finds other images with the same keywords. The L looks for other images with the same location. The N looks for images depicting nearby places (e.g. in the same county or region).
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