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Overview map of Westmorland, England
Overview map of Carnarvon, Wales
Overview map of Shropshire, England
Overview map of Lancashire, England
Overview map of Lincolnshire, England
Overview map of Denbighshire, Wales
Pictures of old books: Two shelves of antiquarian books
Spines, Bindings
a larger closeup
Part of the cover
The Title Page and Frontispiece
Page 140 with illustrations
The map of Cornwall
398.—Norwich Castle
Page 58: Egyptian 7; Egyptian 8 (Hieroglyphics); New England.
Page 57: Egyptian (English descriptions)
Page 54: Egyptian 1; Egyptian 2; Egyptian 3
Page 56: Egyptian 4; Egyptian 5; Egyptian 6
Page 55: Egyptian (English description)
Page 59: Egyptian 7 and 8; New England (English descriptions)
Page 62: English 1; English 2 (Old English, as written by Anglo-Saxons)
Page 63: English 1 and 2 (Modern English descriptions)
Page 48: Cornish; Croatian; Dalmation
Page 37: Chaldean (English description)
Page 44: Chinese; Coptic
Page 42: Charlemagne
Page 38: Chaldean
Page 43: Charlemagne; Chiense (English description)
Page 47: Coptic (English description)
Page 41: Chaldean; Charlemagne (English description)
Page 46: Coptic
Page 40: Chaldean; Charlemagne
Page 39: Chaldean (English description)
Page 51: Dalmation; Danish; Domesday (English description)
Page 50: Dalmation; Danish; Domesday
Page 49: Cornish; Croatian; Dalmation (English description)
Page 36: Chaldean
Page 45: Chinese; Coptic (English description)
Page 33: Chaldean (English description)
Page 34: Chaldean
Page 28: Chaldean
Page 32: Chaldean
Page 11: Armenian (English Description)
Page 5: Arabic: english description
Page 16: Atooi
Page 10: Armenian
Page 9: Arabic (African); Lord’s Prayer in Arabic; Armenian (English description)
Page 19: Bastard; Bengallee (Bengali)? (English description)
Page 23: Ancient British 2; Bulgarian; Bullantic (English description)
Page 22: Ancient British 2; Bulgarian; Bullantic
Page 24: Cadeaux.  Carnish. Catalonian.
Page 18: Bastard; Bengallee (Bengali)?; Berryan
Page 4: Arabic: Kufic, Molach (modern) alphabet
Page 35: Chaldean (English description)
Page 25: Cadeaux.  Carnish. Catalonian. (English description)
Armenian Figure Alphabet from p. 12
Page 30: Chaldean
Page 29: Chaldean (English description)
Page 31: Chaldean (English description)
Page 12: Armenian
Page 17: Atooi (English Description)
Page 13: Armenian (English Description)
Page 8: Arabic (African); Lord’s Prayer in Arabic; Armenian
14: Æthiopica
13: Coptica
15: Amharica
20: Malaica
23: Islandica
27: Malabarica
19: Tartarica
27, Malabarica, 3.5MByte scan
18: Turcica
12: Syriaca, Charactere vulgato
40: Dalmatica, Croatica
16: Arabica
29: Sinica
11: Chaldaica
22: Runica
25: Coptica quasi Antiqua; Angolana
10: Eadem charactere Samaritano
24: Slavonica, Cyrllic
17: Persica
26: Melindana, Abessinorum
28: Brachmanica
21: Gothica
One good Turn deserves another;  He steals a Goose, and gives the Giblets in Alms.
One scabbed Sheep marrs a whole Flock;  Tread on a Worm and it will turn.
Brag is a good Dog, but Holdfast is a better;  The Belly has no Ears;  [woodcut: mouse by house perhaps made from candle with snuffer]
Well begun is half ended;  All is well that ends well.
title page
After sweet Meat comes sour Sauce; [woodcut of stout man, seated, with bandaged foot]
Many Words will not fill a Bushel;  The younger Brother the better Gentleman.
A Shoemaker must not go beyond his Last
The Traceys have always the Wind in their Faces; To cut large Thongs out of another Man’s Leather; Too much of one Thing is good for nothing
An old Dog will learn no Tricks; If you trust before you try, You may repent before you die.
Nothing venture, nothing have; Virtue which parleys is near a Surrender.
A Rolling Stone gathers no Moss;  It is good to make Hay while the Sun shines.
’Tis too late to spare when all is spent;  One Swallow does not make Summer.
To buy a Pig in a poke;  Robin Hood’s Pennyworths;  He looks one way and rows another.
He makes a Rod for his own Breech.
When the Steed’s stolen, shut the Stable Door.
The more Haste the worse Speed;  When the Sky falls we shall catch Larks.
It’s neither Rhime nor Reason; What is got over the Devil’s Back will be spent under his Belly.
Proferred Service stinks;  The Receiver is as bad as the Thief;  Reckon not your Chickens before they are hatched.
A scan of blank paper for use in backgrounds (public domain)
One Man had better steal a Horse than another look over the Hedge;  [woodcut: highayman with hat and cape leads a horse]
Near is my Shirt, but Nearer is my Skin.
Need makes the old Wife trot;  [woodcut: barefoot old woman hitches up skirts to cross a stream]
Little Pitchers have great Ears;  Many talk of Robin Hood who never shot in his Bow.
Better play at small Game than stand out;  Give him a Rowland for his Oliver.
Give a Man Luck and throw him into the Sea;  Money makes the Mare to go;  Much falls between the Cup and the Lip.
Fat Paunches make Lean Pates.
Sue a Beggar and catch a Louse; Many Hands make Light Work; [woodcut: well-dressed man scratches his head standing near a beggar with outstretched hat]
Harm watch, Harm catch; It is a good Horse that never stumbles.
Give him a Rowland for his Oliver;  Penny Wise, and Pound Foolish;  He that Reckons without his Host must reckon again.
Hungry Dogs will eat dirty Pudding;  He that would live at Peace and Rest, Must hear and see, and say the Best.
Curs’d Cows have short Horns; Much falls between the Cup and the Lip.  No longer pipe no longer dance.
Good Wine needs no Bush;  Kissing goes by Favour;  A Lark is better than a Kite
He who has a mind to beat a Dog will easily find a Stick; Naught is never in Danger; Faint Heart never won fair Lady.
Fast bind, fast find;  Like Father like Son.
A Fool’s Bolt is soon shot;  Birds of a Feather flock together;  Out of the Frying-Pan into the Fire.
I talk of Chalk and you of Cheese; Charity begins at Home; Cut your Coat according to your Cloth;  What can’t be cur’d must be endur’d.
A Burnt Child dreads the Fire
Save a Thief from Hanging, and he’ll cut your Throat; Jack will never make a Gentleman.
All goes down Gutter-lane; As Wise as a Man of Gotham; As good as George of Green; [woodcut: stout man drinks from mug, holds saussage with a fork]
What is bred in the Bone will never be out of the Flesh; One Bird in the Hand is worth two in the Bush; A Cat may look upon a king.
As you brew so you shall bake; Every bean has its Black; it is an ill wind that blows no body good
As sure as God’s in Gloucestershire;  Every Man thinks his own Geese Swans.
He sets the Fox to keep his Geese.  [woodcut: fox watching geese]
67: Anglica Vetus, Anglica Hodierna
70: Additamentm: Pater Per omnes hasce, aliasq; Linguas.
71 (continued)
64: Virginiana, Philosophica
66: Monensis, Anglica Vetus (Wycliff Bible, 1380).
65: Philosophica altera., Orcadica
62: Formosana, japanica & Tungkingensis
46: Germanica Antiqua, Germanica alia.
32: Siamica, Madagascarica
48: Svecica, Norwegica
43: Esthonica, Lituanica
Collectores versionum Orationis Dominicæ: contributors
36: Catalanica, Hispanica
38: Lusitanica; Biscaina, sive Canabrica
49: Belgica, Saxonica
title page
01 Classes Lingularum
63: Mexicana, Poconchi
42: Lusatica, Livonica
39: Berriensis, Valachica
45: Wallacia, Hungarica
34: Gallica, Italica
02 Classes Linguarum
33: Latina; Alia Versio, à Seb. Castaliona
44: Finnonica, Lapponica
41: Servica, Carnorum
35: Forojuliana, Rhætica seu Grisonum.
Lecturo: Preæsiscine.
47: Germanica Hodierna, Helvetica
30: Lectio Mandarinica
61: Armenica
53: Anglo-Saxonica
60: Syriaca Charactere Estrangelo
68: Anglicaaltera Vetustior ... 1157
58: Polonica, Bohemica
56: Geldrica, Frisica
51: Britannica Aremoricana, Alia Versio
55: Scotia Meridionalis, Danica
50: Britannica Vetus., Britannica Moderna
59: Slavonica Charactere Hieronymiano
31: Giorganica
69: Versio Cl. Viri Jo. Checi, Edvardi VI. Præceptoris Eruditissimi.
54: Anglo-Saxonica altera vetustior
52: Cornubica, Waldensi
57: Hibernica
08: Græca Metrica
07: Græca Barbara alia.
06: Græca è Dialectis constructa; Græca Barbara
37: Sardica, ut in Oppidis loqu., Sardica ut in Pagis (JPEG, includes p.36)
04: index 2/2
(05: JPEG image showing page texture)
03: index 1/2
pp50,51 (200K jpg image)
700.—Byland Abbey, Yorkshire.
Carlisle Castle, Cumberland
Restormel Castle, Cornwall
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Places Shown

Caernarvon; Wales

Carlisle; Cumberland; England

Cornwall; England

Coxwald; Yorkshire; England

Denbighshire; Wales

Lancashire; England

Lincolnshire; England

Lostwithiel; Cornwall; England

Norwich; Norfolk; England

Oxford; Oxfordshire; England

Shropshire; England

Westmorland; England