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Axis Deer (Calcutta)
26. Seal of Bune, or Bine.
24. Seal of Naberius.
28. Seal of Berith.
27. Seal of Renove.
25. Seal of Labolas.
29. Seal of Astaroth.
26. Seal of Bune (or Bine), Second Form.
Festival at the East London Hospital For Children on New Year’s Eve
The Star of Bethlehem
The Angel Appears Unto Mary.
XXXIV.—Monument in the Cemetary of Père Lachaise, Paris.
Frontispiece: Too Old for a Stocking
Skenfrith Castle
Title Page
Front Cover
Children with their teacher
Snowball Fight!
826.—Charing Cross.
4.—Urizen kneels.
5.—The Book Revealed
1.—Title page: The Book of Urizen
2.—Preludium to the book of Urizen
6.—Urizen in the Womb-like Globe
3.—Chapter I of Blake’s Book of Urizen
22. Seal of Ipos.
21. Seal of Marax.
23. Seal of Aim.
825.—Waltham Cross
83.—Julias Cæsar.  From a Copper Coin in the British Museum.
Book Plate: Sproatt and Rolph
82.—Roman General, Standard Bearers, etc.
Title Page, Historical Observations
18. Seal of Bathim (second version)
18. Seal of Bathim.
19. Seal of Sallos.
20. Seal of Purson.
Initial Letter S
A Good Thanksgiving
Pease Porridge Hot
Hot Codlins
Great Tangley Manor, Surrey.
Romantic and Atmospheric Graveyard
17. Seal of Botis.
16. Seal of Zepar.
15. Seal of Eligos.
Cherubs Package
11. Seal of Gusion.
14. Seal of Leraje (second version)
14. Seal of Leraje or Leraikka.
13. Seal of Beleth.
12. Seal of Sitri.
13. Seal of Beleth (second version).
An Assyrian King.
The Book of the Law Found.—2 Kings 22 : 10, 11.
Agra Palace and part of wall and gateway to the fort.
Figure 3.54.—Ionic Frieze
Figure 3.56.—Acanthus Leaf.
Title Page
Figure 3.55.—Corinthian Ornament.
Front Cover
front cover
Crown from title page at p. 637
Bookplate in Volume 1
Chapter Heading Woodcut featuring Neptune and Mermaids
9. Seal of Paimon (second version)
10. Seal of Buer.
7. Seal of Amon
8. Seal of Barbatos
6. Seal of Valefor
190.—Arms and Costume of an Anglo-Saxon King and Armour Bearer.
Ornament: steam ship
814.—Henry III From his Tomb in Westminster Abbey.
Front Cover
Frontispiece: Watering My Flowers
Three of Batons
Three of Cups
Knight of Staves.
Four of Cups
Ten of Cups
Queen of Cups.
Knave of Cups.
Nine of Cups
Trump 13: Death.
Trump 10: Wheel of Fortune.
Trump 8: Justice.
Ace of Coins.
Seven of Swords
Ace of Staves.
Trump 9: Hermit.
Ace of Swords.
Five of Swords
Nine of Swords
Trump 11: Strength.
Trump 3: Empress.
Six of Cups
Ten of Batons
Eight of Batons
Four of Batons
Trump 20: Judgement.
Four of Coins
Five of Coins
Eight of Cups
Deuce of Coins.
Knave of Coins.
Queen of Swords.
Six of Batons
Trump 14: Temperance.
Trump 17: Star.
Trump 18: Moon.
King of Staves.
Trump 12: Hanged Man.
Trump 1: Magician.
Six of Coins
King of Swords.
Trump 6: Lovers.
Five of Cups
King of Coins.
King of Cups.
Trump 0 (or 22): Fool.
Nine of Coins
Trump 5: Hierophant.
Queen of Coins.
Ten of Coins
Three of Coins
Six of Swords
Trump 4: Emperor.
Trump 7: Chariot.
Seven of Coins
Trump 19: Sun.
Knight of Cups.
Knave of Staves.
Eight of Swords
Four of Swords
Knight of Swords.
Eight of Coins
Trump 21: World.
Five of Batons
Nine of Batons
Ten of Swords
Seven of Cups
Seven of Batons
Deuce of Staves.
Ace of Cups.
Trump 2: High Priestess.
Deuce of Cups.
Knave of Swords.
Queen of Staves.
Deuce of Swords.
3. Seal of Vassago
5. Seal of Marbas.
4. Seal of Gamigin.
1. Seal of Bael.
2. Seal of Agares.
A Great Huge Game of Chess
The Apartments of Mary Queen of Scots in Holyrood Palace
Taurus (the Bull)
The Twelve Signs of the Zodiac (first version)
Virgo (the Virgin, or young woman, or youth)
Scorpio (the Scorpion)
Aquarius (the water carrier)
Aries (the Ram, or Sheep)
Sagittarius (the Archer, or Centaur)
Libra (the scales)
Cancer (the Crab)
Gemini (the Twins)
Pisces (the fish, or two fishes)
Capricorn (the Goat)
Leo (the lion)
Front Cover
Osney Abbey
Another antique brass engraving of a Hippopotamus
Antique engraving of a hippopotamus
Frontispiece 2: Grand Dining Saloon—S.S. Titanic.
Frontispiece 3: Capt. E. J. Smith
Frontispiece 1: A Titan of the polar sea lazily drifting with the current
Title Page
The gentleman offered his services, took her up in his arms, and carried her down the hill.
air (b)
air (a)
To take three thousand pounds from the fortune of their dear little boy would be impoverishing him.
Hour Glass
Side Lever Engine
Berkeley Castle
Gothic Chapter Head: Mediaeval Birds
The Invocation.
Emblem 1. Serpent. Eve.
Emblem 2.  Sin brings forth death.
Title Page Detail: Francis Quarles
53.30.—iris or square-ended clover decoration
Green and Gold books on polished wood
1372.—Caxton. With Paper Marks.
Nativity Chart for Philip Melancthon
189.—Arms and Costume of a Saxon Military Chief.
51.—16th Century
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Places Shown

Agra; India

Berkeley; Gloucestershire; England

Holyrood Palace; Edinburgh; Lothian; Scotland

London; England

Nazareth; Palestine

Skenfrith; Monmouthshire; Wales

Waltham Cross; Hertfordshire; England

Westminster; London; England

Wonersh; Surrey; England