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Items matching gothic architecture (results page 1)

Frontispiece: Cathedral o Messina
Aldermaston, Berkshire
Plate II. Canterbury Cathedral. South West View.
Plate III. Gloucester Cathedral. West Front and South Side.
Gable End, Shrewsbury.
Eaton Hall.—Duke of Westminster
46. The South Nave Arcade, Melbourne, Derbyshire, with stilted Norman arcade.
The Sanctuary, National War Shrine, Edinburgh
528.—Prior Rahere’s Tomb.
Chester Cathedral Tower from St. John’s Street
929.—North West View of Salisbury Cathedral.
931.—Chapter House, Salisbury.
934.—Gable Crosses.
1275.—Tomb of Sir John Crosby.
Staircase at Claverton, Somersetshire
The Exchequer Gate and the West Front of the Cathedral.
The West Front, From the Minster-yard.
Martyrs Memorial
Basilica St. Anthony,  Padua