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Items in Salisbury (results page 1)

Salisbury, a cathedral city, and capital of Wiltshire, 84 m. WSW. of London; the cathedral, founded in 1225, and frequently added to and restored, is one of the finest specimens of Early English architecture; has a number of other interesting old buildings—churches, almshouses, inns, an endowed school, &c.; agriculture is the staple industry; also called New Sarum, and a mile to the N. is the half-obliterated site of Old Sarum, with many interesting historical associations; while round the neighbourhood sweeps the wide, undulating, pastoral Salisbury Plain, with its Druidical circle of Stonehenge (q.v.).

Population (1907) 17,000

From Nuttall Encylopædia, 1907

929.—North West View of Salisbury Cathedral.
931.—Chapter House, Salisbury.
934.—Gable Crosses.
1026.—Tomb of the Boy Bishop, Salisbury

Places Shown

Salisbury; Wiltshire; England