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1152x1436, 160x200, 648x808, 864x1077

13.—Two Druids. Bas-relief found at Autun. Old England: A Pictorial Museum (1845)

This carved likeness was found in an earth burial-mound, abarrow.“These remarkable monuments contain not only the bones and the ashes of the dead, but various articles of utility and ornament, domesti [...]

Keywords: people, beards, astrology, druids, robes, greyscale

Places shown: Autun; Burgandy; France

Added: 2005-02-13

Image status: public domain, hence royalty-free stock image; usage credit requested

1281x574, 1922x861, 446x200, 769x344, 961x430

Heraldic chapter head The New World (1671)

This woodcut was at the start of a chapter. It features two mermen, I think, holding a shield bearing an armorial crest.

Keywords: chapterheads, ornaments, heraldry, greyscale

Places shown: none

Added: 2008-04-16

Image status: public domain, hence royalty-free stock image; usage credit requested

1232x580, 1643x773, 426x200, 924x435

14.—Druidial Ornaments Old England: A Pictorial Museum (1845)

“These remarkable monuments contain not only the bones and the ashes of the dead, but various articles of utility and ornament, domestic utensils, weapons of war, decorations of the person, perhaps in [...]

Keywords: druids, jewellery, greyscale

Places shown: Stonehenge; Salisbury Plain; Wiltshire; England

Added: 2005-03-17

Image status: public domain, hence royalty-free stock image; usage credit requested

166x200, 735x889, 980x1185

15.—Group of Arch-Druid and Druids Old England: A Pictorial Museum (1845)

A group of bearded older men wearing robes sit in disputation or discussion. They are in a forest.

Keywords: people, beards, monks, robes, druids, trees, astrology, greyscale

Places shown: none

Added: 2005-02-13

Image status: public domain, hence royalty-free stock image; usage credit requested

1219x528, 1625x704, 461x200, 914x396

16.—Ancient British Weapons of bone and flint. Old England: A Pictorial Museum (1845)

“Mela says that the Druidical belief in a future state led the people to bury with the dead things useful to the living. The contents of these barrows indicate different stages of the arts. In some th [...]

Keywords: weapons, druids, greyscale

Places shown: Stonehenge; Salisbury Plain; Wiltshire; England

Added: 2005-03-17

Image status: public domain, hence royalty-free stock image; usage credit requested

1006x801, 1341x1068, 251x200, 754x601

17.—Sarum Plain Old England: A Pictorial Museum (1845)

In the foreground a barefoot shepherd with crook and straw hat, probably a boy, accompanied by his sheep, who graze on grassy burial mounds perhaps of ancient kings. In the far background, over Salisb [...]

Keywords: bare feet, people, sheep, stonehenge, megaliths, druids, ruins, views, burial mounds, greyscale

Places shown: Salisubury Plain; Wiltshire; England

Added: 2005-03-26

Image status: public domain, hence royalty-free stock image; usage credit requested

1084x936, 1445x1248, 231x200, 813x702

18.—Various Barrows. Old England: A Pictorial Museum (1845)

The text reads: “a. Long barrow.b, c.Druid Barrows.d. Bell-shaped Barrow.e. Conical Barrow.f. Twin Barrow.”

A stone circle (probably meant to be Stonehenge) is visible in the distance.

Keywords: stonehenge, megaliths, druids, views, burial mounds, stone circles, greyscale

Places shown: Salisubury Plain; Wiltshire; England

Added: 2005-04-02

Image status: public domain, hence royalty-free stock image; usage credit requested

1024x768, 1600x1200, 267x200, 2788x2242, 6969x5605, 800x600

Map of the Americas The New World (1671)

Novissima et AccuratissimaTotius Americæ Descriptio per Gerardum a Schagen.This map of both North America and South America shows California as an island. The map was popular, and was probably first a [...]

Keywords: maps, greyscale, wallpaper, backgrounds

Places shown: none

Added: 2008-04-09

Image status: public domain, hence royalty-free stock image; usage credit requested

1280x800, 1440x900, 1680x1050, 1712x1196, 287x200, 856x598

Gymnastics for Youth Hone’s Everyday Book (1826)

Children play on swings and on a climbing frame in a park.

Keywords: children, trees, swings, parks, greyscale

Places shown: none

Added: 2012-07-28

Image status: public domain, hence royalty-free stock image; usage credit requested

1150x481, 2300x962, 478x200

19.—Various Barrows Old England: A Pictorial Museum (1845)

The text reads as follows:

1. Long barrow. 2. Bowl-barrow.. 3. Bell-barrow. 6. Variety of Druit barrow. 8. Cone-barrow. 9. Broad-barrow. 13. Silbury Hill.

Keywords: stonehenge, megaliths, ruins, burial mounds, views, druids, diagrams, greyscale

Places shown: Salisubury Plain; Wiltshire; England

Added: 2005-04-03

Image status: public domain, hence royalty-free stock image; usage credit requested

100x100, 159x161, 198x200, 212x214, 283x286, 75x75

Initial letter D from first page of text The New World (1671)

Capital D, a decorative initial “D” used as a drop cap for the first paragraph of the text.

Keywords: initials, letterd, greyscale

Places shown: none

Added: 2010-02-18

Image status: public domain, hence royalty-free stock image; usage credit requested

1062x1405, 151x200, 531x703

Guild of Carriage-Makers Allegorien und Embleme, Vol II (1882)

This incredibly busy design is for the guild of carriage-makers (I think) in 1612. The border includes two scantily-clad women, six scantily-clad or naked small children, two gryphons, a bunch of baro [...]

Keywords: heraldry, borders, full-page borders, page images, frames, people, cherubs, nudity, women, boys, shields, greyscale

Places shown: none

Added: 2018-10-30

Image status: public domain, hence royalty-free stock image; usage credit requested

100x100, 205x200, 300x292, 705x687

Decorative initial letter O with cherubs cooking soup Fabrica... (1543)

A Decorative initial letter “O” used as a drop cap on the first page of this famous book. The outer border around the outside of the letter “O” has oak leaves and dragons; inside the “O” we see naked [...]

Keywords: lettero, initials, cherubs, children, nudity, bare feet, dragons, historiated initials, inhabited initials, borders, mythical creatures, cooking, food, greyscale

Places shown: unspecified

Added: 2010-01-19

Image status: public domain, hence royalty-free stock image; usage credit requested

1062x1405, 151x200, 531x703

Ornate baroque-stye border with herubs and gryphons Allegorien und Embleme, Vol II (1882)

This border is from the 1612 sign for the NurenbergGuild of Carriage-Makersmade by Adolf Mießner.The border includes two scantily-clad women, six scantily-clad or naked small children, two gryphons, a [...]

Keywords: borers, full-page borders, cherubs, bare feet, women, people, nudity, scrollwork, cartici, frames, greyscale

Places shown: none

Added: 2018-10-30

Image status: public domain, hence royalty-free stock image; usage credit requested

1152x720, 1280x720, 1280x800, 1440x900, 1600x900, 1680x1050, 1920x1080, 356x200, 750x422

Boy in a Box Royal Children of English History (1904)

A boy, probably a prince, is hiding in a large and ornate chest in this sketch.

Keywords: children, boys, people, illustrations for children, chests, greyscale

Places shown: none

Added: 2012-09-08

Image status: public domain, hence royalty-free stock image; usage credit requested

145x200, 1636x2250, 545x750, 818x1125

Angel Messenger Everyman (1930)

The angel messenger announces the start of the play “Everyman” with raised hand and sword. He wears an ankle-length cloak fastened with a broach around his neck and a belt above his waist, has wings a [...]

Keywords: angels, religion, christmas, wings, christianity, greyscale

Places shown: none

Added: 2015-12-19

Image status: public domain, hence royalty-free stock image; usage credit requested

163x200, 491x603, 654x803, 872x1071

A Mameluke in Full Armour. Pictureseque Egypt Vol II (1878)

We have seen how deplorable was the condition of the country [1790s Egypt] at that time, drained by the greed of the Turkish Pacha and the Mameluke Beys; its population, which at the present day [1870 [...]

Keywords: people, costumes, soldiers, weapons, spears, swords, helmets, greyscale

Places shown: Egypt

Added: 2010-12-28

Image status: public domain, hence royalty-free stock image; usage credit requested

1600x1600, 200x200, 800x800

The Wassail Bowl Peter Parlay’s Annual (1856)

A bearded man in a tall hat and cravat, eighteenth or early nineteenth century leggings, and with a garland round his head reclines, one hand raised. Nearby, in the undergrowth and sitting on a rock, [...]

Keywords: christmas, wassail, people, december, winter, bowls, beards, bare feet, religion, greyscale

Places shown: none

Added: 2013-12-14

Image status: public domain, hence royalty-free stock image; usage credit requested

1200x833, 1600x1110, 288x200, 960x666

Bedford Bridge The Antiquities of England and Wales Vol I (1783)

Published by S Hooper 10 December 1783. D.L. sculp.

Keywords: bridges, water, people, boats, trees, greyscale

Places shown: Bedford; Bedfordshire; England

Added: 2004-04-03

Image status: public domain, hence royalty-free stock image; usage credit requested

1020x1013, 1360x1351, 201x200, 250x248, 765x760

2. Seal of Agares. The Goetia: The Lesser Key of Solomon the King (1904)

[Buy a modern reprint of this book from Amazon:Canada,USA.](2.)Agares. — The Second Spirit is a Duke called Agreas, or Agares. He is under the Power of the East, and cometh up in the form of an old fa [...]

Keywords: symbols, occult, greyscale

Places shown: none

Added: 2007-10-02

Image status: public domain, hence royalty-free stock image; usage credit requested

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