Items in or near France (results page 2)

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Grotesque Head [detail]

1024x768, 1600x1200, 267x200, 800x600

Grotesque Head [detail]Magazine of Art Illustrated (1878)

A good picture for All-Souls Night or Halloween!

A detail from Grotesque Head

Keywords: heads, statues, fountains, gargoyles, spooky, horror, mythical creatures, wallpaper, backgrounds, greyscale

Places shown: Paris; Ile-de-France; France

Added: 2005-10-27

Image status: public domain, hence royalty-free stock image; usage credit requested


1024x768, 1280x800, 1440x900, 1600x1200, 1680x1050, 1920x1200, 267x200, 640x480, 800x600

Poitiers.Cathedral Cities of France (1907)

Saint Pierre at Poitiers [...] certain characteristics it has which connect it with the Angevin style, but unlike most of the Angevin churches, it has aisles throughout. From the outside the appearan [...]

Keywords: cityscapes, views, paintings, art, cities, cathedrals, churches, roofs, sunsets, rivers, water, bridges, houses, wallpaper, backgrounds, colour

Places shown: Poitiers; Poitou-Charentes; France

Added: 2012-05-31

Image status: public domain, hence royalty-free stock image; usage credit requested

Gavroche (Les Misérables)

135x200, 2850x4217, 507x750, 713x1054

Gavroche (Les Misérables)Victor Hugo et Son Temps [Victor Hugo and His Times] (1881)

The boy “Gavroche” from the book Les Misérables. A hundred years later the book was made into a musical that was very successful, of coure, and later a film, but at this time it was a book. Gavroche w [...]

Keywords: people, boys, street scenes, poverty, bare feet, costumes, greyscale

Places shown: Paris; Ile-de-France; France

Added: 2015-01-26

Image status: public domain, hence royalty-free stock image; usage credit requested

One of the dark cells

160x200, 550x689, 734x920, 979x1226

One of the dark cellsThe Leisure Hour (1896)

From a contemporary sketch. Depicting a cell in the dark and feared dungeon of Vincelles, some time between the 16th century and 18th century. The prisoner sits glumly on a rather uncomfortable-lookin [...]

Keywords: prisons, punishments, people, chains, greyscale

Places shown: Vincelles; Jura; France

Added: 2007-01-20

Image status: stock image royalty-free for non-commercial uses only, usage credit required

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