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Items matching churches (results page 1)

churches: a place of worship.
Synonyms: chapel , temple , cathedral , abbey

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1. Castor, Northamptonshire, from the South-West.  A Norman Church with alterations and additions of each succeeding style.
Frontispiece: Cathedral o Messina
Religious Orders
Chester, from the Alford Road.
The grand Door of Barfreston Church in Kent.
Frontispiece: Dinant, Showing Old Castle and Cathedral
St. Mark’s.
Frontispiece: St. Paul’s Catheral from Cheapside.
Sitting in the pew
Plate II. Canterbury Cathedral. South West View.
Plate III. Gloucester Cathedral. West Front and South Side.
91.—Roman Church in Dover Castle
103.—Ruins of the Ancient Church of Reculver.
104.—Plan of Porchester Castle, Hants.
S. Peter’s and Castel Sant’ Angelo From the Tiber
Christmas Mass
Interior of S. Sepulchre Church, Cambridge.
Durtal, Anjou.
209.—Tower of Earl’s Barton Church
210.—Edward the Confessor’s Chapel, Westminster Abbey,—now used as the Pix office.
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