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Items matching costumes (results page 2)

costumes: the way people dressed; clothing outfits.
Synonyms: clothes, dress

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267.—Country Dance
168.—Lovers in the bushes.
189.—Arms and Costume of a Saxon Military Chief.
190.—Arms and Costume of an Anglo-Saxon King and Armour Bearer.
192.—Arms and Costume of Danish Warriors
193.—Costume of a Soldier.  From Cotton MS. Tib. C. 6.
245.—Saxon Emblems of the Month of May.
254.—Saxon Emblems of the Month of July
Washington and his Father
283.—Royal Costume, and the Harness and Equipment of Horses.  (Cotton M.S.)
285.—Saxon Cloaks, Plain and Embroidered Tunics, and Shoes. (Cotton MS.)
286.—Costume of a Saxon Woman.
287.—Anglo-Saxon Females
She was throwing his line herself.
Painted Window. Two Saxon Earls of Mercia, And Seven Norman Earls of Chester.
The Lady Rowena and the Golden Cup
Interior of the Temple Church.
Two of the revellers in Irish peasant costume
Servant with Food
A Display of Manuscripts on Reading Desks.
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Places Shown

Caistor; Lincolnshire; England

County Cork; Ireland


LondonLondon; England

Stafford County; Virginia; USA