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Items matching castles (results page 5)

castles: A fortified defensive building or structure. Strictly speaking, a castle was also a home, whereas a fort was purely defensive, but I have used castle for any fortified place. A castle may also have had a dungeon or donjon, a sort of prison for offenders and captured soldiers.
Synonyms: fort, keep, garrison

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410.—Bolsover Castle, Derbyshire.
415.—Entrance to Warwick Castle.
416.—Warwick Castle, Guy’s Tower
419.—Warkworth Castle
Carlisle Castle, Cumberland
Broughton Castle
421.—Ludlow Castle
422.—Goodrich Castle
423.—Clifford’s Tower, and Entrance to York Castle.
424.—Peverel Castle
425.—Interor of Newark Castle
Warwick Castle.—Earl of Warwick
45. Warkworth Castle, Northumberland
Warkworth Castle, Desktop Background Version
Warkworth Castle, Northumberland: Plan of the Keep
Museum of Antiquities
51.—Serving at a Banquet
Farley Castle
Hastings: The Castle.
Full-page template or border with castle
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Places Shown

Antwerp; Belgium

Broughton; Banbury; Oxfordshire; England

Carlisle; Cumberland; England

Castleton; Derbyshire; England

Farley; Somerset; England

Goodrich; Herefordshire; England

Hastings; Sussex; England

Ludlow; Shropshire; England

Newark; Nottinghamshire; England

Old Bolsover; Derbyshire; England

Warkworth; Northumberland; England

Warwick; Warwickshire; England

York; Yorkshire; England