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Items matching castles (results page 7)

castles: A fortified defensive building or structure. Strictly speaking, a castle was also a home, whereas a fort was purely defensive, but I have used castle for any fortified place. A castle may also have had a dungeon or donjon, a sort of prison for offenders and captured soldiers.
Synonyms: fort, keep, garrison

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841.—Prudhoe Castle, Northumberland
86.—Pevensey Castle
Ross Island, Killarney
Berkeley Castle
868.—Machines used for the Defence of Stone Walls against the action of Battering rams.
869.—Attack on the Walls of a besieged Tower.
870.—Machines for Boring Holes in Castle Walls.
914.—Strand Gate, Winchelsea
915.—Southampton Gate: North Front.
922. West gate and Holy Cross Church, Canterbury.
925.—Bodiam Castle, Sussex.
926.—Arundel Castle
928.—Betchworth Castle.
94.—The Norman Tower
94.—The norm Tower (Wallpaper remix)
The Long Walk
98.—Hurstmonceaux Castle
The Tower of London
Bodiam Castle
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Places Shown

Arundel; Sussex; England

Berkeley; Gloucestershire; England

Betchworth; Surrey; England

Bodiam; Robertsbridge; Sussex; England

Canterbury; Kent; England

Herstmonceaux; East Sussex; England

London; England

Pevensey; Sussex; England

Prudhoe; Northumberland; England

Ross Island; Killarney; County Kerry; Ireland

Southampton; Hampshire; England

Winchelsea; Sussex; England

Windsor; Berkshire; England