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Clip-art: Victorian Floriated Border in Green and Brown
Victorian floral border from title page
Chipping Campden, Old Cottages
8. Seal of Barbatos
Hastings: The Castle.
clipart: initial letter Z from late 15th century printed book
1250.—Archers. (From various MSS. of the 14th Century.)
A Good Thanksgiving
Mediaeval Border from Title Page
clipart: initial letter R from beginning of the 16th Century
Decorative uncial initial letter M from fifteenth Century Nos. 4 and 5.
Decorative Art Nouveau Border
11.—The “Cornwall”
Decorative initial letter “Q” from 16th Century
Title Page
5. Seal of Marbas.
A Siege of the Fifteenth Century
Miniature painting of a portrait artist with easel
The Mummelsee.
Letter F from “Alphabet after Serlio”
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Places Shown

Baden; Germany


Hastings; Sussex; England