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Items matching poetry (results page 1)

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Frontispiece: A Girl’s Face, after Greuze
Frontispiece: Beata Beatrix
Frontispiece: What the sun looks like when it’s asleep
The Day Dream
The Invocation.
In winter I get up at night / And dress by yellow candle-light.
2.—Preludium to the book of Urizen
3.—Chapter I of Blake’s Book of Urizen
5.—The Book Revealed
6.—Urizen in the Womb-like Globe
A Reminiscence
Sculpture: Muse of Poetry
Muse of Poetry, Unlabeled
Homecoming, by Robert Engels
Christmas Still Life
By the Sea
Stoke Pogis Churchyard
The Lost City Under the Sea
Lady of Castle Windeck
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Places Shown



Stoke Poges; Buckinghamshire; England

Windeck; Baden-Württemberg; Germany