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Items matching people (results page 53)

people: an image depicting or containing humans, whether individual or groups, and whether foreground or background.
Synonyms: crowds, pedestrians, onlookers, spectaters

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145.—St. Justin and Alphonso I of Ferrara (Moretto)
149.—St. Cecilia (Raphael).
The Old Well House and Parish Church, Leamington
Initial Letter T With Naked People
62.—Chepstow from the bridge.
Chepstow Castle, 4:3 cropped version
Charles Dickens
A closer crop of a portrait of Sir Charles Dickens
Plate 63.—Flint Castle
Matthew Parker, Archbishop of Canterbury
Gadshill Place, Home of Charles Dickens.
Robert Dudley, Earl of Leicester
Plate 65.—Entrance to Beaumaris Castle.
Initial letter “L” from p. 650
Initial letter “Q” from p. 650
Storming of Antioch.
Collection of alms at the funeral of don Álvaro de Luna
One of the dark cells
Plate 73.—Gateway and Bridge, Ragland.
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Places Shown

Antioch; Turkey

Beaumaris; Anglesey; Wales

Bethlehem; Palestine

Chepstow; Monmouthshire; Wales

Ferrara; Emilia-Romagna; Italy

Flint; Flintshire; Wales

Higham; Kent; England

Leamington; Warwickshire; England

Raglan; Monmouthshire; Wales

Vincelles; Jura; France