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Items matching transport (results page 1)

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Frontispiece: Restormel Castle Steam Locomotive, GWR
Chapter Heading Woodcut featuring Neptune and Mermaids
1.—“Royal Scot” train, near Shap summit, Engine No. 6134 “Samson”
159.—Horse and Carriage.
160. – Horse and Carriage.
162.—Horse and Carriage.
In the Train
A Vision of the Future
Cupid with a Whip!
Postilion galloping uphill
The Stage Coach.
Side Lever Engine
9.—7ft Single Express Locomotive, No. 123
11.—The “Cornwall”
Old Advert: Illinois Central Railroad
A Railway Cutting
Flying saucer over the glittering city of the North Pole
The Evolution of the Bicycle
206b1: Carriage Pulled By Death.
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Shap; Cumbria; England