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Items matching religion (results page 1)

religion: unfounded and unquestioned belief in the authority of a priest; martyrs and saints.

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Summary of the Law, in gold
Frontispiece: When He Comes He will Rule over the Whole World
Frontispiece: When He Comes He will Rule over the Whole World (coloured version)
The Good Shepherd
Sitting in the pew
New Testament Title Page
Border of Peace from Front Cover.
The Bishop of St. Praxed’s Orders his Tomb.
Chi-rho symbol (Px) in red, black ad gold from front cover.
Bust of William of Wykeham. 1394.
1.—Martyrs suspended by one or both feet, by the arms with heavy weights attached to the feet; crucified; Christian women hung up by the hair
11.—Gaulish Deity.  Cernunnos.
12.—Gaulish Deity.  Hesus.
Ecce Ancilla Domini [Behold the blesséd Mary]
Angel Messenger
The Wassail Bowl
2.—Bound hand and foot to stakes and smeared with honey, and so left exposed to the sun, to be tortured by the stings of bees and other insects
3.—Suspended by the thumbs, heavy stones being fastened to the feet; hung up over a slow fire and beaten
St. Simon Stylites, Hermit of the Pillar
Gloucester Cathedral Old Print - Wallpaper Version
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Places Shown

Gloucester; Gloucestershire; England

Jerusalem; Palestine


Paris; Ile-de-France; France

Winchester; Hampshire; England