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Items (results page 37)

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80.—British and Roman Weapons.
Historiated decorative initial capital letter N in Blue
Decorated (Historiated) initial letter A by Valerio Spada
11.—The “Cornwall”
147.—Italian Blackletter Title-Page.  Jacopus Foresti, 1497.
Music.—A Man at the Spinet.
British Breeds of Cattle I (3/3)
19. Seal of Sallos.
Carew Castle
Chapter Heading Woodcut featuring Neptune and Mermaids
Miniature painting of a portrait artist with easel
The eagle, from the book of Deuteronomy ch. 32 v. 11
Full-page oak-leaf border
Bookplate, return this book
The Catacombs at Palermo
Portrait of Anna Heyse
Wilton House
Top row of miniscule (lower-case) blackletter from XIV. Century  No. 1.
One of the dark cells
Vintage gold circular leaf border or frame
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Places Shown


Palermo; Sicily; Italy

Pembroke; Pembrokeshire; Wales

Vincelles; Jura; France

Wilton; Wiltshire; England