Items in Ludlow (results page 1)

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The Feathers Inn, Ludlow, Shropshire

146x200, 521x715, 629x863, 838x1150

The Feathers Inn, Ludlow, ShropshireArt in England During the Elizabethan and Stuart Periods (1908)

Thus, in former times (as may be seen, for instance, in the older houses at Bury St. Edmunds or Lavenham, in Suffolk) brackets would be made to spring from Gothic caps, which again formed the crown o [...]

Keywords: tudor buildings, houses, architecture, greyscale

Places shown: Ludlow; Shropshire; England

Added: 2012-06-26

Image status: stock image royalty-free for non-commercial uses only, usage credit required

421.—Ludlow Castle

1024x768, 1600x1200, 267x200, 640x480, 800x600

421.—Ludlow CastleOld England: A Pictorial Museum (1845)

Ludlow was the capital of Wales in the 16th Century, and this 12th Century (or earlier) castle was the centre for administration. Today it is in ruins, having declined since the engraving was made, b [...]

Keywords: castles, towers, hills, trees, wallpaper, backgrounds, greyscale

Places shown: Ludlow; Shropshire; England

Added: 2004-03-04

Image status: public domain, hence royalty-free stock image; usage credit requested

Ludlow Castle: Inner Ward and Round Chapel

1006x671, 1342x895, 1789x1194, 299x200, 754x503

Ludlow Castle: Inner Ward and Round ChapelCastles (1926)

Ludlow Castle dates from the 12th century or earlier.

Ludlow Castle official Web site

Keywords: castles, ruins, towers, battlements, windows, greyscale

Places shown: Ludlow; Shropshire; England

Added: 2006-08-10

Image status: public domain, hence royalty-free stock image; usage credit requested

Plan of Ludlow Castle

187x200, 731x782, 974x1043

Plan of Ludlow CastleCastles (1926)

“This is by far the most important castle of the whole Welsh border, surpassing Chepstow in size and Raglan in historic interest.” (p. 135) The site is mentioned in the Domesday Book, and thus predate [...]

Keywords: plans, castles, greyscale

Places shown: Ludlow; Shropshire; England

Added: 2005-04-30

Image status: public domain, hence royalty-free stock image; usage credit requested

Ludlow Castle: Gate-way of Chapel

1103x1554, 142x200, 551x777

Ludlow Castle: Gate-way of ChapelCastles (1926)

Late Norman also is the very curious round chapel of St. Mary Magdalen, which stands in the middle of the ward, and displays a particularly fine entrance door with zig-zag moulding, and another arch o [...]

Keywords: castles, entrances, doors, arches, colour

Places shown: Ludlow; Shropshire; England

Added: 2004-03-04

Image status: public domain, hence royalty-free stock image; usage credit requested
