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Items matching people (results page 51)

people: an image depicting or containing humans, whether individual or groups, and whether foreground or background.
Synonyms: crowds, pedestrians, onlookers, spectaters

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A genteel wheelchair in Paris
And then began a murder, grim and great
Medieval Customs
Boy Fairy Resting on a Flower
42.—Denbigh Castle, Denbighshire
Atalanta Scholarship and Reading Union
For One Brief Moment Our Eyes Met
43.—Basingwork Abbey
Glamis Castle.
Henry VIII and His Six Wives
Roman slaves carrying an amphora
The members of a family should be known to each other.
The Easter Volunteer Review: The 1st Artillery on the March from London to Brighton
Victor Hugo at his writing desk
A Fair Reader
Tottering Under the Weight of Knowledge
Reaching After Knowledge
Sir Thomas More
Sir Thomas More Reflects [detail]
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Places Shown

Denbigh; Denbighshire; Wales


Glamis; Perthshire; Scotland

Holywell; Flintshire; Wales

Paris; Ile-de-France; France