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Items matching people (results page 56)

people: an image depicting or containing humans, whether individual or groups, and whether foreground or background.
Synonyms: crowds, pedestrians, onlookers, spectaters

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Golden Sunday
King Henry II whipped by the Pope’s Order
Queen Bohemia swallowed up alive
The Irmin Column in the Cathedral of Hildesheim
Horse Racing: Finish
A Woman torn in pieces by the Devil. pa. 14.
Avenue of Sighs
G. Tornai: At the harem
H Hendrich: Sea Fables
All goes down Gutter-lane; As Wise as a Man of Gotham; As good as George of Green; [woodcut: stout man drinks from mug, holds saussage with a fork]
Sue a Beggar and catch a Louse; Many Hands make Light Work; [woodcut: well-dressed man scratches his head standing near a beggar with outstretched hat]
Need makes the old Wife trot;  [woodcut: barefoot old woman hitches up skirts to cross a stream]
One Man had better steal a Horse than another look over the Hedge;  [woodcut: highayman with hat and cape leads a horse]
After sweet Meat comes sour Sauce; [woodcut of stout man, seated, with bandaged foot]
Scriptorium Monk at Work
Tall Bookcase
Heraldic Crest and Symbols of Industry
[p.242] The Bloody Tower
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Places Shown

Canterbury; Kent; England

LondonLondon; England

Oster; Mosel; Germany

Prague; Bohemia