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Better play at small Game than stand out;  Give him a Rowland for his Oliver.
Harm watch, Harm catch; It is a good Horse that never stumbles.
I talk of Chalk and you of Cheese; Charity begins at Home; Cut your Coat according to your Cloth;  What can’t be cur’d must be endur’d.
One scabbed Sheep marrs a whole Flock;  Tread on a Worm and it will turn.
A Burnt Child dreads the Fire
Brag is a good Dog, but Holdfast is a better;  The Belly has no Ears;  [woodcut: mouse by house perhaps made from candle with snuffer]
Save a Thief from Hanging, and he’ll cut your Throat; Jack will never make a Gentleman.
Many Words will not fill a Bushel;  The younger Brother the better Gentleman.
Give him a Rowland for his Oliver;  Penny Wise, and Pound Foolish;  He that Reckons without his Host must reckon again.
One good Turn deserves another;  He steals a Goose, and gives the Giblets in Alms.
’Tis too late to spare when all is spent;  One Swallow does not make Summer.
What is bred in the Bone will never be out of the Flesh; One Bird in the Hand is worth two in the Bush; A Cat may look upon a king.
Need makes the old Wife trot;  [woodcut: barefoot old woman hitches up skirts to cross a stream]
The Traceys have always the Wind in their Faces; To cut large Thongs out of another Man’s Leather; Too much of one Thing is good for nothing
Sue a Beggar and catch a Louse; Many Hands make Light Work; [woodcut: well-dressed man scratches his head standing near a beggar with outstretched hat]
Near is my Shirt, but Nearer is my Skin.
Fast bind, fast find;  Like Father like Son.
previous page 1 2 3 . . . 205 206 207 208 209 [210]