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Examples; Section IV, The several Kinds of Escocheons.
Differences (continued). Sect. III, Essential Parts of Arms: The Escocheon [i.e., Escutcheon], Points, and Abatements
Example: The Right Honourable William Temple, Lord Cobham
Examples: Rev. Mr. Joseph Bokenham. Rector of Stoake Ash in the County of Norfolk; The Right worshipful Sir Nicholas Carew of Bedington in Surry, Baronet.
Examples: His Grace Thomas Hollis Pelham, D. of Newcastle; George, by the Grace of God, Kind of Great-Britain, France and Ireland, &c. Defender of the Faith, our only Rightful and Ever-Glorious Sovereign
(Ornaments of an Achievement, with pictures of helmets)
Section II, Accidents of Arms, Tinctures
700.—Byland Abbey, Yorkshire.
703.—Walsingham Abbey, Norfolk.
2103.—Herstmonceaux Castle.
398.—Norwich Castle
2105.—East Basham, Norfolk
Decorative initial I, Coloured
As sure as God’s in Gloucestershire;  Every Man thinks his own Geese Swans.
He sets the Fox to keep his Geese.  [woodcut: fox watching geese]
After sweet Meat comes sour Sauce; [woodcut of stout man, seated, with bandaged foot]
Near is my Shirt, but Nearer is my Skin.
Little Pitchers have great Ears;  Many talk of Robin Hood who never shot in his Bow.
Need makes the old Wife trot;  [woodcut: barefoot old woman hitches up skirts to cross a stream]
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Places Shown

Coxwald; Yorkshire; England

Herstmonceaux; East Sussex; England

Norwich; Norfolk; England

Walsingham Abbey; Norfolk; England

Walsingham; Norfolk; England