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[1] 2 3 4 5 6 7 . . . 207 208 209 next page
Sir Isaac Newton
Antique Books: Grose
Names of Angels and Days (overview)
Eaton Hall.—Duke of Westminster
Stack of old books, light background
Decorative clip-art Victorian border, Black and White
The Magical Circle of King Solomon
Free clip-art: Victorian border of twigs and leaves
Early Victorian Border from Book Cover
Front Cover detail: jester reading a book
11. Seal of Gusion.
Ornate Victorian Border
A closer crop of a portrait of Sir Charles Dickens
A Reminiscence
Full-page border with bird, flowers, ivy
Floriated initial capital letter  “S”
Christmas Mass
Full-page border with hearts and moons
Banner, or Banderole
2.—Stonehenge. – Restored Plan.
[1] 2 3 4 5 6 7 . . . 207 208 209 next page