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Items taken from Die Bücher-Ornamentik Der Renaissance (Vol. I.) (1878) (results page 2)

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62e.—Initial capital letter “E” from Dance of Death Alphabet
62f.—Initial capital letter “F” from Dance of Death Alphabet.
62g.—Initial capital letter “G” from Dance of Death Alphabet.
62h.—Initial capital letter “H” from Dance of Death Alphabet.
62i.—Initial capital letter “I” from Dance of Death Alphabet.
62j.—Initial capital letter “J” for Dance of Death Alphabet.
62k.—Initial capital letter “K” from Dance of Death Alphabet.
62l.—Initial capital letter “L” from Dance of Death Alphabet.
62m.—Initial capital letter “M” from Dance of Death Alphabet.
62n.—Initial capital letter “N” from Dance of Death Alphabet.
62o.—Initial capital letter “O” from Dance of Death Alphabet.
62p.—Initial capital letter “P” from Dance of Death Alphabet.
62q.—Initial capital letter “Q” from Dance of Death Alphabet.
62r.—Initial capital letter “R” from Dance of Death Alphabet.
62s.—Initial capital letter “S” from Dance of Death Alphabet.
62t.—Initial capital letter “T” from Dance of Death Alphabet.
62v.—Initial capital letter “U” from Dance of Death Alphabet
62w.—Initial capital letter “W” from Dance of Death Alphabet.
62x.—Initial capital letter “X” from Dance of Death Alphabet.
62y.—Initial capital letter “Y” from Dance of Death Alphabet.
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