Items in or near Greece (results page 1)

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1726x1846, 187x200, 863x923

St. John in the Isle of Patmos. Hone’s Everyday Book (1826)

Saint John the Evangelist is shown writing onto sheets of paper with a large eagle behind him; a staff and pouch are at his side, and he wears animal skins and sandals. He hasa long white beard.May 6 [...]

Keywords: people, saints, religion, beards, writing, greyscale

Places shown: Patmos; Greece

Added: 2009-12-12

Image status: public domain, hence royalty-free stock image; usage credit requested

1221x888, 2442x1775, 275x200, 750x545

Greek family returning from the harvest. La Civilizacion (1881)

Família Griega volviendo de la vendimiaHere we see two adults and a child, all barefoot and the child bare-shuldered and bare-legged. The woman in front carries leaves; the child plays twin pipes; a y [...]

Keywords: people, children, animals, oxen, men, women, costumes, ancient greece, bare feet, trees, forests, water, streams, rocks, colour

Places shown: Greece

Added: 2019-02-23

Image status: public domain, hence royalty-free stock image; usage credit requested

1220x875, 2440x1750, 279x200, 750x538

Greek dances after a meal. La Civilizacion (1881)

Canzas Griegas despues de la Comida.Here we see a laurel-wreathed man seated on a chair, next to a table with horses’ legs; behind him someone is standing clapping. In the background three barefoot wo [...]

Keywords: dancing, dancers, people, women, costumes, ancient greece, men, wreaths, interiors, colour

Places shown: Greece

Added: 2019-02-01

Image status: public domain, hence royalty-free stock image; usage credit requested

1246x887, 2492x1774, 281x200, 750x534

The Parthenon. Elements of Geography, Ancient and Modern (1825)

The engraving (probably a wood-cut) features a fairly rough drawing of the Parthenon; it was presumably made from a drawing from no later than the early 1800s. There is no credit to any artist that I [...]

Keywords: temples, ruins, views, religion, pillars, columns, architecture, ancient greek remains, ancient greece, greyscale

Places shown: Athens; Greece

Added: 2016-11-11

Image status: public domain, hence royalty-free stock image; usage credit requested

1314x1106, 1752x1474, 238x200, 739x622, 986x829

XXXII The Temple of Nike From Mars Hill, Athens In the Land of the Temples (1915)

“This is the grandest grouping of the Acropolis. The way in which the whole, in solemn square masses, piles up—the temple dominating all—is marvellous. It is finer, I am sure, in ruin, than ever it [...]

Keywords: ruins, temples, hills, views, sketches, ancient greece, ancient greek remains, greyscale

Places shown: Athens; Greece

Added: 2006-03-16

Image status: public domain, hence royalty-free stock image; usage credit requested
