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Items matching angels (results page 1)

angels: Supernatural man-like creatures with wings; pictures of angels, and also pictures of signs and symbols for the angels and archangels.

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Front Cover, Moderne Kunst Vol I
Title Page, Cosmography and Astrology
Title Page Detail: Angel With Whip
Jacob’s Dream
Angel Messenger
Gospel of Matthew
The Angel of Death
The Harmony of the World
From the Biblia Pauperum. Block Book. 15th Century.
Osanna in Excelsis
Satan and Beelzebub
Avenging Angel
103. Sonnet Introduction Page
Sonnet Introduction Border
115. Love Hath So Long Possessed Me
Angel from page 115
Painted miniature: a writer, with a castle in the background
Miniature painting of a scribe writing at a desk
Art Nouveau Nude Archer in Forest
Cherub with Triangle
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