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As sure as God’s in Gloucestershire;  Every Man thinks his own Geese Swans.
Brag is a good Dog, but Holdfast is a better;  The Belly has no Ears;  [woodcut: mouse by house perhaps made from candle with snuffer]
Curs’d Cows have short Horns; Much falls between the Cup and the Lip.  No longer pipe no longer dance.
He who has a mind to beat a Dog will easily find a Stick; Naught is never in Danger; Faint Heart never won fair Lady.
As you brew so you shall bake; Every bean has its Black; it is an ill wind that blows no body good
Give a Man Luck and throw him into the Sea;  Money makes the Mare to go;  Much falls between the Cup and the Lip.
A Shoemaker must not go beyond his Last
Fast bind, fast find;  Like Father like Son.
One Man had better steal a Horse than another look over the Hedge;  [woodcut: highayman with hat and cape leads a horse]
Nothing venture, nothing have; Virtue which parleys is near a Surrender.
’Tis too late to spare when all is spent;  One Swallow does not make Summer.
I talk of Chalk and you of Cheese; Charity begins at Home; Cut your Coat according to your Cloth;  What can’t be cur’d must be endur’d.
To buy a Pig in a poke;  Robin Hood’s Pennyworths;  He looks one way and rows another.
When the Steed’s stolen, shut the Stable Door.
He sets the Fox to keep his Geese.  [woodcut: fox watching geese]
Proferred Service stinks;  The Receiver is as bad as the Thief;  Reckon not your Chickens before they are hatched.
The more Haste the worse Speed;  When the Sky falls we shall catch Larks.
Many Words will not fill a Bushel;  The younger Brother the better Gentleman.
Harm watch, Harm catch; It is a good Horse that never stumbles.
A scan of blank paper for use in backgrounds (public domain)
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