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Alice grows huge again
An enormous puppy
The Caterpillar
Drink Me
Father William standing on his head.
Alice Looking for the Door
Alice Swimming
Alice and the Dodo
Alice swimming near a mouse
422.—Goodrich Castle
The Gateway of St. John’s College
1305.—Church of Aston Cantlow
1308.—Stratford Church: West End
19. Stokesay Castle, Shropshire (cir. 1240-90).
18.  Bodiam Castle, Sussex (1386)
2. Castle Hedingham, Essex
3. Castle Hedingham, Essex
4. Castle Hedingham, Essex.
6. Castle Hedingham, Essex.
5. Castle Hedingham, Essex
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Places Shown

Aston Cantlow; Warwickshire; England

Bodiam; Robertsbridge; Sussex; England

Castle Hedingham; Essex; England

Goodrich; Herefordshire; England

St. John’s College; Oxford; Oxfordshire; England

Stokesay; Shropshire; England

Stratford; Warwickshire; England