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Items taken from South by East: Notes of Travel in Southern Europe (1877) (results page 1)

Front Cover
Frontispiece: Cathedral o Messina
Title Page, South by South East
Decorative chapter head with styilized birds and green men
Decorative chapter head with winged creatures
Decorative initial letter “M” – Roman military standard
Milan Cathedral
Decorative Initial letter F
Cathedral of S. Mark, Venice
Portrait of Michael Angelo
The Columbarium.
Decorative Chapter Head
Initial Letter S
Writing Desk
The Catacombs of Naples
Chapterhead with Mer-Horses
Entrance to the harbour of Messina.
Ornate initial letter “W” with silhouettes of naked women
The Catacombs at Palermo

Places Shown

Florence; Italy

MessinaMessina; Sicily; Italy

Messina; Sicily; Italy

Milan; Italy

Naples; Italy

Palermo; Sicily; Italy

Rome; Italy

Venice; Italy