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Items taken from Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland (1865) (results page 2)

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Cook, Duchess, Cheshire Cat, Baby, and Alice
Alice and the pig baby
Alice speaks to the Cheshire Cat
Cheshire Cat fading to smile
Mad Hatter’s Tea Party
Hatter engaging in rhetoric
Mad Hatter and March Hare dunking the Dormouse
Two, Five and Seven painting the rosebush
Off with her head!
Alice trying to play croquet with flamingo and hedgehog
Executioner argues with King about cutting off Cheshire Cat’s head
Alice (with flamingo) chats with the Duchess
The Gryphon Asleep
The Mock Turtle and Gryphon sing to Alice
The Lobster Quadrille
Lobster primping before a mirror
White Rabbit, dressed as herald, blowing trumpet
The Mad Hatter arrives hastily in court to testify
Mad Hatter just as hastily leaves
Giant Alice upsets the jury (literally)
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