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Items taken from The Antiquities of England and Wales (1786) (results page 1)

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29.—Portchester Castle, in Hampshire.
Prospect of Houghton-Park-House in Bedfordshire
Houghton House
49.—Stone Henge, in Wiltshire.
Stone Henge in Wiltshire, wide-screen version
Stone Henge in Wiltshire, wallpaper version
Ramsey Abbey in Huntingdonshire
140.—The Old Kitchen at Stanton Harcourt, in Oxfordshire
Plan of Burgh Castle in Suffolk.
Plan of Burgh Castle in Suffolk.
The Mode in which Antient Castles were generally built.
The Mode in which Antient Castles were generally built. (version with no caption)
6.—Tinmouth Castle
A New & Correct MAP of the Counties of Argyle, Bute and Dumbarton
Antique Eighteenth-Century Map of the Western Islesof Scotland
Antique Eighteenth-Century Map of Bedfordshire
Antique Eighteenth-Century Map of Berkshire
Eighteenth-Century Map of Gloucestershire
Antique Eighteenth-Century Map of Oxfordshire
Antique Map of Argyle, Bute and Dumbarton, in Scotland
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Places Shown

Argyle; Scotland

Bedfordshire; England

Berkshire; England

Burgh Castle; Suffolk; England

Gloucestershire; England

Haynes West End; Haynes; Bedfordshire; England

Oxfordshire; England

Portchester; Hampshire; England

Ramsey; Huntingdonshire; England


Stanton Harcourt; Oxfordshire; England

Stonehenge; Salisbury Plain; Wiltshire; England

Tynemouth; Northumberland; England