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Items matching title pages (results page 1)

title pages: page image of the page in the book that bears the book's name and author.

[1] 2 3 4 5 6 next page
Ornate and Pretentious Title Page
Title Page, Osteographia
Front Cover, El Mundo Ilustrado
Title page
Title Page, La  France Ilustrée
Title Page, In Search of Scotland
Half Title: The Art of Illumnating
Title Page, Antiquities of England and Wales
Title Page
Title Page
Title Page
The Thames Illustrated: Title Page
Title Page
Title Page, Benson Stock Images
Title Page
Title Page, Architecture: Gothic and Renaissance
Title Page, Cosmography and Astrology
Cambridge: Title Page
Title Page, Craftsman’s Plant Book
Title Page, Family Book Vol 5
[1] 2 3 4 5 6 next page

Places Shown

Borghetto sul Mincio; Valeggio sul Mincio; Verona; Veneto; Italy