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Items matching food (results page 1)

food: comestibles, victuals, things to eat.

Decorative initial letter O with cherubs cooking soup
First Nations Chocolatiers
A Banquet
Hot Codlins
239.—Convivial Party. Harleian MS. No. 603.
51.—Serving at a Banquet
Servant with Food
Pease Porridge Hot
Dunham’s Coconut Ad
Seamen in great distress eat one another
Bakehouse of the Fifteenth Century
The Butcher, Newport Market Alley
stock block: Young male servant carrying a boar’s head
Father William finished the goose
Cook, Duchess, Cheshire Cat, Baby, and Alice
Mad Hatter’s Tea Party
Hatter engaging in rhetoric
Mad Hatter and March Hare dunking the Dormouse
Mad Hatter just as hastily leaves
All goes down Gutter-lane; As Wise as a Man of Gotham; As good as George of Green; [woodcut: stout man drinks from mug, holds saussage with a fork]

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London; England