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Items by Artist: Holbein (results page 1)

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Hans Holbein (1497 – 1543).

Prolific and famous, Hans Holbein, called the Younger because his father, also an artist, had the same name, was famous for his printmaking as well as his portraits.


Plate 62, Dance of Death Alphabet (overview)
62a.—Initial capital letter “A” from Dance of Death Alphabet
62b.—Initial capital letter “B” from Dance of Death Alphabet
62c.—Initial capital letter “C” from Dance of Death Alphabet
62d.—Initial capital letter “D” from Dance of Death Alphabet
62e.—Initial capital letter “E” from Dance of Death Alphabet
62f.—Initial capital letter “F” from Dance of Death Alphabet.
62g.—Initial capital letter “G” from Dance of Death Alphabet.
62h.—Initial capital letter “H” from Dance of Death Alphabet.
62i.—Initial capital letter “I” from Dance of Death Alphabet.
62k.—Initial capital letter “K” from Dance of Death Alphabet.
62l.—Initial capital letter “L” from Dance of Death Alphabet.
62m.—Initial capital letter “M” from Dance of Death Alphabet.
62n.—Initial capital letter “N” from Dance of Death Alphabet.
62o.—Initial capital letter “O” from Dance of Death Alphabet.
62p.—Initial capital letter “P” from Dance of Death Alphabet.
62q.—Initial capital letter “Q” from Dance of Death Alphabet.
62s.—Initial capital letter “S” from Dance of Death Alphabet.
62t.—Initial capital letter “T” from Dance of Death Alphabet.
62v.—Initial capital letter “U” from Dance of Death Alphabet

Hans Holbein (1497 – 1543).


Biography of Hans Holbein the Younger

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