Doings of the Bodley Family in Town and Country (page 2/2)

[picture: The Chickadee's Nest]

The Chickadee’s Nest

It’s Spring, and the little chickadees have built their nest in a tree; now they are feeding their young. [more...]


[picture: Rustic Border of Twigs]

Rustic Border of Twigs

This rustic border of twigs was used to frame The Chickadee’s Nest.


[picture: Border of twigs (US Letter Sized Version)]

Border of twigs (US Letter Sized Version)

A rustic full-page border of twigs, complete with an ant at lower right, sized for US letter paper (8½×11 inches at 400dpi). [more...]


[picture: Rufflecumtuffle]




[picture: Bibbety-Bobble]


The fairy folk and the wee elves dance in a circle. [more...]


[picture: The Pied Piper of Hamelin]

The Pied Piper of Hamelin

The pied piper of Hamelin (or Hameln in German) doesn’t look very pied; that is, his cloak isn’t made from two colours. [more...]


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