Doings of the Bodley Family in Town and Country (page 1/2)


Some images from Doings of the Bodley Family in Town and Country, 1876, by Horace Elisha Scudder (1838-1902) (originally anonymous).

Title: Doings of the Bodley Family in Town and Country

Author: Scudder, Horace Elisha

Published by: Hurd and Houghton

City: New York

Date: 1876

Total items: 6

Out of copyright (called public domain in the USA), hence royalty-free for all purposes usage credit requested, or as marked.

Some sample images

[picture: Border of twigs (US Letter Sized Version)]

Border of twigs (US Letter Sized Version)

A rustic full-page border of twigs, complete with an ant at lower right, sized for US letter paper (8½×11 inches at 400dpi). [more...]


[picture: The Chickadee's Nest]

The Chickadee’s Nest

It’s Spring, and the little chickadees have built their nest in a tree; now they are feeding their young. [more...]


[picture: Bibbety-Bobble]


The fairy folk and the wee elves dance in a circle. [more...]


[picture: Rufflecumtuffle]




[picture: Rustic Border of Twigs]

Rustic Border of Twigs

This rustic border of twigs was used to frame The Chickadee’s Nest.


Tags in this source:

bare feet beards birds borders carts chickadees children dancing elves fairies fairy tales humour illustrations for children medieval men music mythical creatures nature nests pagan people rustic borders spring transport trees twigs

Places shown:

Hamelin ·Lower Saxony ·none

Some images from Doings of the Bodley Family in Town and Country, 1876, by Horace Elisha Scudder (1838-1902) (originally anonymous).

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