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Rustic Border of Twigs
64. Seal of Haures, or Hauras, or Havres, or Flauros.
69. Seal of Decarabia.
Magical Circle, Seals and Characters
156.—Uncial Gothic Capitals. 14th Century.
57.—Second Pulley System.
King Lear and Fool in a Storm.
Gloucester Cathedral Old Print - Wallpaper Version
The Red Queen chastises Alice
The signs of the Zodiac, from an 1826 woodcut
King’s College Chapel, Cambridge.
Letter X from “Alphabet after Serlio”
St. George and the Dragon
Lord Stanhope’s Printing Press
Combat of Gladiators with Wild Animals
Front Cover in blue and gold.
Stone Henge in Wiltshire, wallpaper version
Mad Hatter and March Hare dunking the Dormouse
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Places Shown

Cambridge; Cambridgeshire; England

Gloucester; Gloucestershire; England


Stonehenge; Salisbury Plain; Wiltshire; England