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Items taken from The Antiquities of England and Wales Vol I (1783) (results page 1)

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Architecture fig. 1a, Column from Lindisfarne
Front Cover, Grose’s Antiquities of England and Wales, Vol I
Bookplate with Crest
Printer’s Ornament with harp and vine
Ruins of Lindisfarne Priory
Title Page, Antiquities of England and Wales
Knight and Hermit
Types of Armour
Religious Orders
Machines of War and Castle Diagram
Ballista (Balista)
Machines of War overview
Moveable Tower with Bridge and Battering Ram.
Castle Diagram
Catapulta [Catapult]
Architecture (full page print)
The grand Door of Barfreston Church in Kent.
Printer’s ornament with birds
Ornament: Cornucopia
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Places Shown

Barfreston; Kent; England


Lindisfarne; Northumberland; England