Items taken from Il Museo Pio Clementino (1792) (results page 1)

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Heraldic Crest and Symbols of Art Il Museo Pio Clementino (1792)

This heraldic crest is from the title page to Volume IV of the huge book. If you are able to give a formal description of this image I’d love to hear from you; informally, it shows an armorial bearin [...]

Keywords: heraldry, shields, crests, science, symbols, mathematics, coins, money, nudity, people, cherubs, mythical creatures, centaurs, art, backgrounds, wallpaper, greyscale

Places shown: none

Added: 2011-06-12

Image status: public domain, hence royalty-free stock image; usage credit requested

1024x640, 1280x800, 1440x900, 1600x900, 1680x1050, 1920x1080, 1920x1200, 321x200, 700x359, 900x462

Heraldic Crest and Symbols of Industry Il Museo Pio Clementino (1792)

This heraldic crest is from the title page to Volume VI of the huge book. If you are able to give a formal description of this image I’d love to hear from you; informally, it shows an armorial bearin [...]

Keywords: heraldry, shields, crests, science, symbols, coins, money, nudity, people, cherubs, boys, bare feet, travel, keys, masks, spirit, backgrounds, wallpaper, greyscale

Places shown: none

Added: 2012-06-01

Image status: public domain, hence royalty-free stock image; usage credit requested
