Items taken from Antwerpia (results page 1)

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Museum of Antiquities

150x200, 559x743, 745x991, 993x1321

Museum of AntiquitiesAntwerpia

Portal of the Castle. Het Steen. – Museum van Oudheden – Poort van den Burcht. Het Steen. – Musée d’Antiquitiés – Porte du Bourg. Het Steen. – Altertumsmuseum – Tor der Burg. Het Steen. – Museum of An [...]

Keywords: castles, streets, people, cobbles, colour

Places shown: Antwerp; Belgium

Added: 2004-08-01

Image status: stock image royalty-free for non-commercial uses only, usage credit required

Museum of Antiquities

1024x768, 1600x1200, 267x200, 800x600

Museum of AntiquitiesAntwerpia

The Museum of Antiquities - the South Side

Het Steen. – Museum van Oudheden – Zuidzijde.

Keywords: castles, streets, people, water, wallpaper, backgrounds, colour

Places shown: Antwerp; Belgium

Added: 2004-02-22

Image status: stock image royalty-free for non-commercial uses only, usage credit required

Meeting-Hall of the Brewers’ Guild

1024x768, 1600x1200, 267x200, 800x600

Meeting-Hall of the Brewers’ GuildAntwerpia

Waterhuis. — Vergaderzaal der Brouwersgilde. La Maison Hydraulique. — Sall de réunion de la Corporation des Brasseurs. Das Wasserhaus. — Versammlungssaal der Brauersgilde. The Waterhouse. — Meeting-Ha [...]

Keywords: interiors, tables, furniture, wallpaper, backgrounds, greyscale

Places shown: Antwerp; Belgium

Added: 2007-05-02

Image status: stock image royalty-free for non-commercial uses only, usage credit required

Leys Street.

1024x768, 1600x1200, 2048x1536, 267x200, 800x600

Leys Street.Antwerpia


Rue Leys.


Leys street.

An old (undated) photograph of Laystraat in Antwerp. I can see signs for the Norwich Union, and for a large hotel (Metropole?) and also for F. Dierckx.

Keywords: cities, buildings, street scenes, old photogrphs, wallpaper, backgrounds, greyscale

Places shown: Antwerp; Belgium

Added: 2007-08-15

Image status: stock image royalty-free for non-commercial uses only, usage credit required
