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Cartouche or frame from title page of Concordance
front cover, Allegories and Emblems
Title page
Architecture fig. 1a, Column from Lindisfarne
Title page
Book Plate: Sproatt and Rolph
Front Cover, Biography of Shakespeare
Title Page, La  France Ilustrée
Frontispiece: Magdalen Tower.
Front Cover
Front Cover, Moderne Kunst 14
Frontispiece: Alnwick Castle
Title Page, In Search of Scotland
Frontispiece: Auld Reekie
Front Cover, Northland Journeys
Book cover of The Mother Goose, with tape repair
Front Cover
Front cover, Out to Old Aunt Mary’s
Front Cover from La Vita Nuova
Half-Title Page
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Places Shown

Alnwick; Northumberland; England

Edinburgh; Lothian; Scotland

Magdalen College; Oxford; Oxfordshire; England