Magdalen Bridge and Tower, Oxford [Vol II]
Magna Charta Island [Vol I]
Magna Charta, Specimen of [Vol I]
Magna Charta, and its Associations [Magna Carta] [Vol I]
Maids dancinf for Garlands [Vol II]
Malmesbury Abbey Church, Interior of (fig. 4) [Vol II]
Malmesbury Abbey [Vol I]
Malmesbury Abbey, Arch of Transept in [Vol I]
Malmesbury Abbey, Arms of [Vol I]
Malmesbury Abbey, Tomb in [Vol I]
Malmesbury, Market-cross at [Vol II]
Man and Woman in the Stocks [Vol II]
Mansion-House in 1771 [Vol II]
Map of the 10th Century, Anglo-Saxon [Vol I]
Maria Beatrx of Modena, Queen of James II. [Vol II]
Marks of early English Printers [6 illustrations] [Vol II]
Mary, Coins of [Vol II]
Mary, Costume of [Vol II]
Mary, Great Seal of [Vol II]
Mary, Medal to commemorate the conduct of, in 1690 [Vol II]
Mary, Qeen of England [Vol II]
Mary, Queen of Scots [Vol II]
Mary, Queen of William III. [Vol II]
Mary, Signature of [Vol II]
Mary, Surrender of, at Carberry Hill [Vol II]
Mary, Tomb of, in Henry VII.’s Chapel [Vol II]
Marylebonne-House [? Marylebone] [Vol II]
Massinger, Philip, Portrait of [Vol II]
May-Day [Vol II]
May-Day, Milkmaids’ Dance on [Vol II]
Maypole before St. Andrew Undershaft [Vol II]
Medway, Dutch Fleet in the [Vol II]
Melrose Abbey [Vol I]
Melrose Abbey, South-East View of [Vol I]
Men’s Head-gear in the 16th century [Vol II]
Mentz Cathedral, Capital fromthe Doorway of [Vol I]
Mercers’ Hall, Cheapside [Vol II]
Merchant Taylors’ Hall, Interior of [Vol II]
Merchant Taylors’ School [Vol II]
Middle Temple, Hall of the, Exterior View [Vol II]
Middle Temple, Hall of the, Interior View [Vol II]
Middle Temple, Hall of the, Interior View [Vol II]
Middleton, Sir Hugh, Portrait of [Vol II]
Military Costume engraved on a Sword (fig. 3) [Vol II]
Military Costume in time of Henry VIII. [Vol II]
Miller, Manciple, and Reve. Canturbury Tales [Vol I]
Milton and his Localities [Vol II]
Milton, Portrait of [Vol II]
Milton, at the Age of Nineteen [Vol II]
Milton, from a Miniature [Vol II]
Minden, Medal to commemorate the Battle of [Vol II]
Miners’ Standard Dish [Vol II]
Minstrel’s Pillar, Beverley [Vol I]
Minuet, A [Vol II]
Monk Bar, York [Vol I]
Monk and Friar. Canturbury Tales [Vol I]
Monteagle, Fac-simile of the Letter to [Vol II]
Monument, the [Vol II]
Monuments with Inscriptions [2 illustrations] [Vol II]
Moor Park, Mansion at [Vol II]
Moore, Francis, Portrait of [Vol II]
More, Sir Thomas, Family of [Vol II]
More, Sir Thomas, Portrait of [Vol II]
More, Sir Thomas, Portrait of [Vol II]
Morris-Dance, Whitsun [Vol I
Mount Orgueil Castle, View of [Vol II]
Mountebank in the 17th century [Vol II]
Mummers, Court [Vol I]
‘Merry Wives of Windsor, The,’ played before the Queen [Vol II]