Index to the engravings in Old England by Charles Knight, published in 1845. I have scanned some of the engravings, and those are linked to from these pages. You can ask me to scan any particular engraving by sending email to liam at fromoldbooks dot org with scan request: Old England in the subject, giving the exact and complete index entry for that item, and also mentioning what colour socks you are wearing.

Magdalen Bridge and Tower, Oxford [Vol II]
Magna Charta Island [Vol I]
Magna Charta, Specimen of [Vol I]
Magna Charta, and its Associations [Magna Carta] [Vol I]
Maids dancinf for Garlands [Vol II]
Malmesbury Abbey Church, Interior of (fig. 4) [Vol II]
Malmesbury Abbey [Vol I]
Malmesbury Abbey, Arch of Transept in [Vol I]
Malmesbury Abbey, Arms of [Vol I]
Malmesbury Abbey, Tomb in [Vol I]
Malmesbury, Market-cross at [Vol II]
Man and Woman in the Stocks [Vol II] 1734
Mansion-House in 1771 [Vol II]
Map of the 10th Century, Anglo-Saxon [Vol I]
Maria Beatrx of Modena, Queen of James II. [Vol II]
Marks of early English Printers [6 illustrations] [Vol II]
Mary, Coins of [Vol II]
Mary, Costume of [Vol II]
Mary, Great Seal of [Vol II]
Mary, Medal to commemorate the conduct of, in 1690 [Vol II]
Mary, Qeen of England [Vol II]
Mary, Queen of Scots [Vol II]
Mary, Queen of William III. [Vol II]
Mary, Signature of [Vol II]
Mary, Surrender of, at Carberry Hill [Vol II]
Mary, Tomb of, in Henry VII.’s Chapel [Vol II]
Marylebonne-House [? Marylebone] [Vol II]
Massinger, Philip, Portrait of [Vol II]
May-Day [Vol II]
May-Day, Milkmaids’ Dance on [Vol II]
Maypole before St. Andrew Undershaft [Vol II]
Medway, Dutch Fleet in the [Vol II]
Melrose Abbey [Vol I] 1058
Melrose Abbey, South-East View of [Vol I] 1057
Men’s Head-gear in the 16th century [Vol II]
Mentz Cathedral, Capital fromthe Doorway of [Vol I]
Mercers’ Hall, Cheapside [Vol II]
Merchant Taylors’ Hall, Interior of [Vol II]
Merchant Taylors’ School [Vol II]
Middle Temple, Hall of the, Exterior View [Vol II]
Middle Temple, Hall of the, Interior View [Vol II]
Middle Temple, Hall of the, Interior View [Vol II]
Middleton, Sir Hugh, Portrait of [Vol II]
Military Costume engraved on a Sword (fig. 3) [Vol II]
Military Costume in time of Henry VIII. [Vol II]
Miller, Manciple, and Reve. Canturbury Tales [Vol I]
Milton and his Localities [Vol II]
Milton, Portrait of [Vol II]
Milton, at the Age of Nineteen [Vol II]
Milton, from a Miniature [Vol II]
Minden, Medal to commemorate the Battle of [Vol II]
Miners’ Standard Dish [Vol II]
Minstrel’s Pillar, Beverley [Vol I]
Minuet, A [Vol II]
Monk Bar, York [Vol I]
Monk and Friar. Canturbury Tales [Vol I]
Monteagle, Fac-simile of the Letter to [Vol II]
Monument, the [Vol II]
Monuments with Inscriptions [2 illustrations] [Vol II]
Moor Park, Mansion at [Vol II]
Moore, Francis, Portrait of [Vol II] 2154
More, Sir Thomas, Family of [Vol II]
More, Sir Thomas, Portrait of [Vol II]
More, Sir Thomas, Portrait of [Vol II]
Morris-Dance, Whitsun [Vol I 1377]
Mount Orgueil Castle, View of [Vol II]
Mountebank in the 17th century [Vol II]
Mummers [Vol I] 1143
Mummers, Court [Vol I]
‘Merry Wives of Windsor, The,’ played before the Queen [Vol II]