Hone’s Everyday Book (page 2/6)

[picture: Front Cover, Hone's Everyday Book]

Front Cover, Hone’s Everyday Book

The cover of my copy of Hone’s Everyday Book.


[picture: Bookplate, R. B. Colvin]

Bookplate, R. B. Colvin

It seems that my copy of this book once belonged to one B. B. Colvin, probably Beale Blackwell Colvin (1809 – 1865), of Monkham’s Hall, Waltham, Essex; he was the high sheriff of Essex in 1848. [more...]


[picture: Bona Dea - The Earth]

Bona Dea - The Earth

(Frontispiece) [more...]


[picture: The signs of the Zodiac, from an 1826 woodcut]

The signs of the Zodiac, from an 1826 woodcut

These circular zodiac symbols were in the border of the frontispiece of Hone’s Every Day Book. I also have an SVG version, and can supply transparent PNG files. [more...]


[picture: January]


A mean wearing warm boots, coat and hat walks through the snow, blowing on his hands to warm them, and is accompanied by a dog. The roofs of a nearby farm and house are covered in snow. [more...]


[picture: Gymnastics for Youth]

Gymnastics for Youth

Children play on swings and on a climbing frame in a park.


[picture: St. Simon Stylites, Hermit of the Pillar]

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