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Declaration of Independence
clipart: initial letter H from late 15th century printed book
Title Page, The Brothers Dalziel
Unicorn with Mane (another one)
90.—Dover Cliffs.
Bottom border with angel
Brewer’s Vat.
Canadian Beaver (3 of 3)
Rustic twig and leaf border (portrait version)
The Apartments of Mary Queen of Scots in Holyrood Palace
1534.—Hayes Farm, Devonshire
Decorative initial letter “L” from 16th Century
Decorative initial letter O with cherubs
Wentworth Woodhouse.
Floriated initial capital letter “S” (coloured version)
Decorative initial letter “E” from 16th Century
Winchester College
Frontispiece: Restormel Castle Steam Locomotive, GWR
The Colosseum in a Storm
114.—Conflict between Romans and Barbarians.
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Places Shown

Dover; Kent; England

East Budleigh; Devonshire; England

Holyrood Palace; Edinburgh; Lothian; Scotland

London; England

Philadelphia; Pennsylvania; USA

Rome; Italy

Rotherham; Yorkshire; England

Winchester; Hampshire; England