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Items taken from Illustrated London News Vol 56 (1870) (results page 1)

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Mr. Charles Dickens’s Last Reading.
The Missing Screw Steamer City of Boston
Holy Trinity, York
Alms Box, Skipwith
Micklegate Bar
Door, Skipworth Church
Doorway, York
Screen in Selby Church
Musical Instruments at the South Kensington Museum: A.—Mountain Horn
Musical Instruments at the South Kensington Museum: B.—Serinette
Musical Instruments at the South Kensington Museum: C.—Dulcimer
Musical Instruments at the South Kensington Museum: D.—Machête.
Musical Instruments at the South Kensington Museum: E.—Quinterna, of Chiterna
Musical Instruments at the South Kensington Museum: F.—Guitar
Musical Instruments at the South Kensington Museum: G.—Flauto dolce, or flûte à bec.
Musical Instruments at the South Kensington Museum: H.—Vielle, or Hurdy-Gurdy
Musical Instruments at the South Kensington Museum: K.—Violin.
Musical Instruments at the South Kensington Museum: L.—Italian Kit, or Small Fiddle.
Musical Instruments at the South Kensington Museum: M.—Italian Lute, about 1580
Musical Instruments at the South Kensington Museum: N.—Viola di Bordone
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Places Shown

Selby; Yorkshire; England

Skipwith; Yorkshire; England

York; Yorkshire; England