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Items taken from Harmsworth’s Encyclopædia (1904) (results page 1)

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British Breeds of Cattle I (3/3)
British Breeds of Cattle I (2/3)
British Breeds of Cattle I (1/3)
Cotton Manufacture Fig. 1.—Saw Gin.
The Evolution of the Bicycle
Plan of Oxford from circa 1900
Oxford and its Colleges
Overview map of Anglesey, Wales
Overview map of Bedfordshire, England
Overview map of Berkshire, England
Overview map of Brecknockshire, Wales
Overview map of Buckinghamshire, England
Overview map of Cambridgeshire, England
Overview map of Cardigan, Wales
Overview map of Carmarthen, Wales
Overview map of Carnarvon, Wales
Overview map of Cheshire, England
Overview map of Cornwall, England
Overview map of Cumberland, England
Overview map of Denbighshire, Wales
[1] 2 3 4 next page

Places Shown

Anglesey; Wales

Bedfordshire; England

Berkshire; England

Brecknockshire; Wales

Buckinghamshire; England

Caernarvon; Wales

Cambridgeshire; England

Cardiganshire; Wales

Carmarthen; Wales

Cheshire; England

Cornwall; England

Cumberland; England

Denbighshire; Wales

Oxford; Oxfordshire; England