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Items taken from The National and Domestic History of England (Vol 2) (1878) (results page 1)

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Front Cover
Military Costume, Middle of Fifteenth Century.
Three knights from the 15th century
Costume of Fifteenth Century Bowman
Costume of Fifteenth Century Knight
Costume of Fifteenth Century Pikeman
Three Gothic Arches
Costumes, 1480
The Dukes of Gloucester and Clarence. (Royal MSS.)
Monk’s Walking Dress of the Middle Ages
Specimen of the Würzburg Missal.  Written about 1470 or 1480.
Timber Houses, Coventry
Builders at Work.
Reading Desks. MS. Bodleian Library.
Bakehouse of the Fifteenth Century
Carriage of the Fifteenth Century.
Reading Desks. MS. Bodleian Library. (detail)
The Tower of London
The Tower Of London Castle Diagram (wallpaper version)
Elizabeth Woodville Surrendering Her Son
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Places Shown

Coventry; Warwickshire; England


LondonLondon; England