Items taken from Enclyclopædia Britannica (1771) (results page 1)

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1028x1253, 164x200, 615x750

Front Cover of the 1770 Encylopædia Britannica Enclyclopædia Britannica (1771)

My copy is actually a fac-simile bound in full leather. Well, let’s say it’s full leather...

Keywords: book covers, colour

Places shown: none

Added: 2012-08-03

Image status: public domain, hence royalty-free stock image; usage credit requested

1996x1808, 221x200, 750x679, 998x904

Plate XIX, fig. 3.—Crane Mechanism. Enclyclopædia Britannica (1771)

Another very goodcraneis made in the following manner. AA (fig. 3.) is a great wheel turned by men walking within it at H. On the part C, of its axle BC, the great rope D is wound as the wheel turn [...]

Keywords: diagrams, machinery, cogs, wheels, steampunk, cranes, lifting equipment, greyscale

Places shown: none

Added: 2016-11-16

Image status: public domain, hence royalty-free stock image; usage credit requested

1305x1764, 148x200, 550x744, 734x992, 979x1323

Plate XV.—Anatomy. Enclyclopædia Britannica (1771)

A naked man is shown, without his skin, so that the muscles can be seen, in order to teach anatomy.The muscles immediately under the common teguments on the anterior part of the body, are represeted o [...]

Keywords: anatomy, diagrams, spooky, nudity, bare feet, colour

Places shown: none

Added: 2009-10-22

Image status: public domain, hence royalty-free stock image; usage credit requested

1228x1532, 160x200, 1637x2043, 690x861

Plate XLII.—Astronomy. Enclyclopædia Britannica (1771)

The purpose of the four interwoven figures here is to explain how an eclipse of Jupiter’s satellites (or moons) works. I will scan the details on request. These are beautifully-engraved diagrams, wi [...]

Keywords: astronomy, diagrams, sun, labels, eclipses, zodiac, colour

Places shown: none

Added: 2009-10-22

Image status: public domain, hence royalty-free stock image; usage credit requested

100x100, 200x200, 200x200, 300x300, 400x400, 50x50

Plate XLII.—Astronomy: detail: antique star engraving Enclyclopædia Britannica (1771)

A copper-plate engraving representing a star from a diagram explaining astronomy; you can also seethe full diagram.

Keywords: diagrams, stars, astronomy, astrology, colour

Places shown: none

Added: 2009-10-22

Image status: public domain, hence royalty-free stock image; usage credit requested

1200x1200, 1600x1600, 200x200, 675x675, 900x900

Plate XLII.—Astronomy: detail: sun and eclipses Enclyclopædia Britannica (1771)

A diagram with the sun in the middle, complete with a face, and showing the illumination of the earth at varoius times of the year, marked by month and zodiac sign. There is also a version of this dia [...]

Keywords: astronomy, sun, zodiac, diagrams, eclipses, planets, astrology, colour

Places shown: none

Added: 2009-10-22

Image status: public domain, hence royalty-free stock image; usage credit requested

100x100, 1330x1330, 200x200, 748x748, 998x998

Plate XLII.—Astronomy: detail: the face of the sun. Enclyclopædia Britannica (1771)

This diagram, taken fromplate XLII on eclipses, shows the sun as an eight-pointed star with a face in the middle, including eyes, nose and mouth! (Obviously the sun does not have a beard, since the ha [...]

Keywords: astronomy, sun, diagrams, zodiac, colour

Places shown: none

Added: 2009-10-22

Image status: public domain, hence royalty-free stock image; usage credit requested

1200x1600, 150x200, 506x675, 675x900, 900x1200

Plate XLIII.—Astronomy. Enclyclopædia Britannica (1771)

This full-page copper plate engraving contains a number of diagrams for the article on astronomy; I will post them as separate images on request.

figure 1

Keywords: astronomy, diagrams, eclipses, sun, moon, greyscale

Places shown: none

Added: 2012-08-03

Image status: public domain, hence royalty-free stock image; usage credit requested

1200x1192, 1600x1589, 201x200, 675x670, 900x894

Plate XLIII.—Astronomy.—Fig. 1. Enclyclopædia Britannica (1771)

Figure 1.

The full plate

Keywords: astronomy, diagrams, eclipses, sun, moon, astrology, greyscale

Places shown: none

Added: 2012-10-02

Image status: public domain, hence royalty-free stock image; usage credit requested

1125x975, 1500x1300, 231x200, 633x549, 844x731

Plate XLIII.—Astronomy.—Fig. 2. Enclyclopædia Britannica (1771)

Figure 2, showing the Winter Solstice on December 22nd.

The full plate

Keywords: astronomy, diagrams, eclipses, sun, astrology, solstices, greyscale

Places shown: none

Added: 2012-10-07

Image status: public domain, hence royalty-free stock image; usage credit requested

1260x666, 1680x888, 379x200, 700x370, 945x500

Plate XLIII.—Astronomy.—Fig. 3. Enclyclopædia Britannica (1771)

This diagram shows how (and why) the moon appears to grow and shrink at different times of the month.

I also made a full Sun with pointy rays based on the one on this diagram.

The full plate

Keywords: astronomy, astrology, sun, moon, diagrams, equinoxes, greyscale

Places shown: none

Added: 2012-10-09

Image status: public domain, hence royalty-free stock image; usage credit requested

1200x1164, 1237x1200, 1600x1552, 206x200, 64x64, 675x655, 792x768, 900x873

Plate XLIII.—Astronomy.—Detail – Smiling Sun. Enclyclopædia Britannica (1771)

An engraving of the sun with a smiling face in the middle.

The full Fig. 3.

The full plate

Keywords: astronomy, astrology, sun, faces, diagrams, greyscale

Places shown: none

Added: 2012-10-08

Image status: public domain, hence royalty-free stock image; usage credit requested

1861x1768, 211x200, 5584x5304, 931x884

Plate XCIX.—Hydrostatics.—Fig. 1. A quadruple pump-mill for raising water. Enclyclopædia Britannica (1771)

The height of modern technology in 1771: a super-efficient pump powered by a water wheel!The ngine is represented in Plate 99. fig. 1. In which ABCD is a wheel, turned by water according to the order [...]

Keywords: diagrams, machinery, wheels, pulleys, chains, whaterwheels, pumps, hydraulics, greyscale

Places shown: none

Added: 2014-03-24

Image status: public domain, hence royalty-free stock image; usage credit requested

325x750, 567x1308, 756x1744, 87x200

Plate XCIX.—Hydrostatics.—Fig. 8. Cup of Tantalus. Enclyclopædia Britannica (1771)

Tantalus’s cup.Let a hole be made quite through the bottom of the cup A (fig. 11) and the longer leg of the bended syphon BCED be cemented into the hole, so that the end D of the shorter leg DE may al [...]

Keywords: diagrams, cups, water, hydraulics, greyscale

Places shown: none

Added: 2018-03-01

Image status: public domain, hence royalty-free stock image; usage credit requested

325x750, 567x1308, 756x1744, 87x200

Plate XCIX.—Hydrostatics.—Fig. 8. Cup of Tantalus (no letters) Enclyclopædia Britannica (1771)

This is a version of theCup of Tantalusdiagram, without the letters that tie it to the text.

Keywords: cups, goblets, syphons, hydraulics, diagrams, greyscale

Places shown: none

Added: 2018-03-01

Image status: public domain, hence royalty-free stock image; usage credit requested
