Items in Peveril Castle (results page 1)

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Peak Castle, Derbyshire: Plan of the Site.

1108x1372, 162x200, 623x772, 831x1029

Peak Castle, Derbyshire: Plan of the Site.The Growth of the English House (1909)

Peak Castle is today known as Peveril Castle, and is high above the village of Castleton in the Peak District national park. “It is tolerably certain that romance had no part in the selection of this [...]

Keywords: castles, maps, plans, greyscale

Places shown: Peveril Castle; Castleton; Derbyshire; England

Added: 2005-10-16

Image status: public domain, hence royalty-free stock image; usage credit requested

8. The Peak Castle, Derbysire (1176)

1141x574, 397x200, 856x431

8. The Peak Castle, Derbysire (1176)The Growth of the English House (1909)

“The keep itself, which was built in 1176, is very similar in arrangement to the peel-towers of the Scottish border and to the towers which elsewhere formed the nucleus of many fortified houses. It pr [...]

Keywords: castles, plans, architecture, colour

Places shown: Peveril Castle; Castleton; Derbyshire; England

Added: 2006-01-11

Image status: public domain, hence royalty-free stock image; usage credit requested

7. Peak Castle, Derbyshire

1013x698, 1350x931, 290x200, 760x524

7. Peak Castle, DerbyshireThe Growth of the English House (1909)

Plan of the Keep Peak Castle is more commonly known as Peveril Castle. See also Fig. 8. “Above the upper chamber was the roof, originally of steep pitch (see section, Fig. 9). but which may have been [...]

Keywords: castles, plans, colour

Places shown: Peveril Castle; Castleton; Derbyshire; England

Added: 2006-01-11

Image status: public domain, hence royalty-free stock image; usage credit requested
